Radiology Coding Alert

Verify The Correct Answers For Cather Placement Coding Questions

Answer 1: The correct option is d, 36247.

Answer 2: The correct answer is c, 36246.

Answer 3: The correct answer is d, 36247 and 36248.

Answer 4: The correct answer is a, 36011(Selective catheter placement, venous system; first order branch [e.g., renal vein, jugular vein]) with modifier 59 (Distinct procedural service), 36012 (Selective catheter placement, venous system; second order, or more selective, branch [e.g., left adrenal vein, petrosal sinus]), 36012-59.

Answer 5: The correct answer is d, 36015 (Selective catheter placement, segmental or subsegmental pulmonary artery) -50(Bilateral procedure), 36015-59, 50.