Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

V72.83 Applies to Pre-Transplant Exam

Question: We performed a chest X-ray as part of a heart transplant screening. The recipient has myocardial degeneration. Which ICD-9 code should I report for the X-ray?

California Subscriber

Answer: You should use V72.83 (Other specified preoperative examination) for your primary diagnosis. Then report 429.1 (Myocardial degeneration) to describe the type of heart failure that makes the transplant necessary.

Bonus tip: For certain other organ transplants, the donor may be living. If the donor undergoes preoperative imaging, you should not report the code for the recipient's underlying organ failure on the donor's claim.

-- The answers for You Be the Coder and Reader Questions were reviewed by Michele Midkiff, CPC-I, PCS, RCC, executive director of Coding Affiliates Inc., an interventional and  neurointerventional radiology coding service in Mountain View, Calif.

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Radiology Coding Alert

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