Radiology Coding Alert


Use Medicare Site for Quick LCD Search

Question: Where can I go to look up Medicare carriers’ local coverage determinations? Also, is there an easy way to search a particular coverage topic on the Medicare site?

Georgia Subscriber

Answer: You should first try your individual carrier’s Web site, but if you’re looking for a quick reference to search and compare policies among multiple carriers, go to the Medicare coverage database on the Web,

The page walks you through several steps to meet your goal. First, select whether you’re looking for a national or a local coverage determination. If you choose local, you can search for articles and policies. Just check the boxes that apply.

Example: You select “local coverage,” “Policies (LMRP/LCD),” and “Final Policies Only.”

Next, select a state or a contractor from the list provided. Then, scroll down and check off how you’d like to do your search.
Example: You select Georgia from the list under “Geographic area.”

You can search by keyword, ICD-9 code, CPT/HCPCS code, coverage topic, and effective dates. After you’ve typed in your criteria, click “search now” and wait for the results to pop up.

Example: You select “Keyword” and enter the term “intensity modulated radiation therapy,” and select “Entire document” and “Exact phrase.” This means you’re searching Georgia carriers’ final policies that include the term “intensity modulated radiation therapy.” Your search reveals four matches. You can scan through and click on the appropriate LCDs to get the information you need.

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