Radiology Coding Alert


The DXA's in the Details

Question: We've recently acquired a Hologic Discovery SL Bone Denitometer. The DXA image analysis includes AP lumbar spine, lateral lumbar spine, and AP hip. How should we code these services? Also, may a patient self-refer for DXA?

New Hampshire Subscriber

Answer: Each of the services you list (lumbar spine, lateral lumbar spine, and AP hip) is axial, so you should report 76075 (Dual energy x-ray absorptiometry [DXA], bone density study, one or more sites; axial skeleton [e.g., hips, pelvis, spine]). Because the descriptor states "one or more sites," only report one unit of this code regardless of how many axial sites the provider examines.

You need an order from the treating provider to code for DXA, according to 42 CFR 410.31. One of the conditions you must meet for Medicare to cover bone mass measurement is that after determining that the measurement is medically appropriate and necessary, the physician or qualified nonphysician practitioner
orders the test.

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