Question: We had a report that indicated the provider performed X-rays of both of the patient’s hips. The report indicated the provider captured AP and lateral X-ray views. We originally submitted the claim with two units of 73502, but the claim was denied.
How do we correct this claim?
Arizona Subscriber
Answer: You’ll need to assign 73521 (Radiologic examination, hips, bilateral, with pelvis when performed; 2 views) instead of the multiple units of 73502 (Radiologic examination, hip, unilateral, with pelvis when performed; 2-3 views). Since the provider captured anteroposterior (AP) and lateral X-ray views of each hip, the service is a two-view, bilateral X-ray procedure. This makes 73521 the correct code.
You could assign 73502 if the provider captured two or three X-ray views of only one hip. Plus, you might need to append LT (Left side) or RT (Right side) to 73502 to indicate which side of the body the provider imaged, depending on the payer’s preferences, of course.