Question: For a skilled nursing facility (SNF) patient, can we code R0070 for portable x-ray transportation? We perform 93970 (Duplex scan of extremity veins including responses to compression and other maneuvers; complete bilateral study) and 93971 (... unilateral or limited study). If Medicare doesn't cover the portable imaging services, will the SNF cover it?
Connecticut Subscriber
Answer: If you meet Medicare's requirements for covering portable x-ray services for SNF patients, you may report this code to Medicare if you served a Part B patient. Snag: Carriers typically want to see a 70000-range code to pay for R0070 (Transportation of portable x-ray equipment and personnel to home or nursing home, per trip to facility or location, one patient seen). Duplex scans don't fall in this category.
Best bet: Obtain a signed ABN to bill the patient for the portable charge if Medicare doesn't reimburse for the expense of providing the portable service.
Medicare may cover diagnostic portable x-ray services under Part B in a SNF if the service is performed under the general supervision of a physician. According to Pennsylvania Medicare carrier HGSA, for example, covered services are very limited: