Radiology Coding Alert


Link to CPT Errata From AMA Web Site

Question: Where can I find the most current list of AMA CPT manual corrections?

Mississippi Subscriber

Answer: The current address is Or at the AMAWeb site,,  move your pointer over "Physician Resources," and select "Solutions for Managing Your Practice." In the new page, choose "Coding Billing Insurance," then "CPT," then "About CPT," and finally "Errata." The "Errata" page has links to AMA publication corrections.

Some of the changes relevant to radiology include the following:

1. 62267: The note following 62267 (Percutaneous aspiration within the nucleus pulposus, intervertebral disc, or paravertebral tissue for diagnostic purposes) should read: "(For imaging, see 77003)."

What changed: The original version instructed you to see 77003 (Fluoroscopic guidance and localization of needle or catheter tip for spine ...) and CT guidance code 77012. So you should eliminate 77012 from the note.

2. 79101: Update the codes in the parenthetical note following 79101 (Radiopharmaceutical therapy, by intravenous administration) telling you which codes not to report in conjunction with 79101.

What changed: Delete old codes 90760, 90774, 90775, and replace with new codes 96930, 96374, 96375.

3. 79445: Make a similar change to the note following 79445 (Radiopharmaceutical therapy, by intra-arterial particulate administration) that explains which codes you shouldn't report alongside 79445.

What changed: The note should read: "(Do not report 79445 in conjunction with 96373, 96420)." This replaces deleted code 90773 with new code 96373.

Note: Several radiation oncology code notes also have changes swapping deleted codes 77781-77784 for new odes 77785-77787.

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