Radiology Coding Alert


Examine X-ray Codes

Question: If a patient has anteroposterior (AP) and lateral views of the cervical spine and lateral flexion and extension views of the cervical spine, how should I code this? Is it 72052?

Kansas Subscriber

Answer: Actually, 72050 (Radiologic examination, spine, cervical; minimum of four views) is the code to use for the scenario you describe.

You mention AP, lateral, flexion and extension. This comes out to be four views, so 72050 (minimum of four views) is the most accurate choice.

In order to code 72052 (Radiologic examination, spine, cervical; complete, including oblique and flexion and/or extension studies), you need to see documentation for more than four views. These views might include AP, lateral, both obliques (two views), and flexion and extension may be present when coding 72052.

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