Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Consult 77370 in Special Circumstances

Question: My radiation oncologist is treating a pregnant patient. Can I report CPT 77370 based on that information?

Florida Subscriber
Answer: While a pregnancy may be the reason a doctor requests a specific physics consultation, you need more information than a positive pregnancy test to report 77370 (Special medical radiation physics consultation).

To report 77370, you need to see a request from the radiation oncologist to the physicist for a written analysis of how to deal with a specific problem. Translation: The treatment plan is so complex it requires a qualified physicist's expertise.

The physicist must supply a customized written report, requiring considerable time and effort, and include it in the patient's chart, to justify reporting 77370.

Pregnancy, multiple overlapping treatment areas, and re-treatment of the same site may induce a physician to request the special consultation.
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