Radiology Coding Alert


Confirm Where 82565 Was Performed

Question: Our practice is going to start billing for creatinine tests (82565) on contrast CT patients with renal issues. Can we bill for this, or would the lab use this code?

Michigan Subscriber

Answer: Your question indicates that you are sending the test to a lab. If this is the case, the lab performing the test should report 82565 (Creatinine; blood).

Many practices perform the service in-house. If this is the case, be sure you have an order from the treating physician for the test. You will need to be sure youre performing a CLIA-waived test, as well. This depends on the equipment you use. If your equipment is CLIAwaived,remember to add modifier QW (CLIA waived test) on your Medicare claims.

Best bet: Experts recommend simplifying the logistical and compliance hassles by having the referring physician order the test from a lab when she feels it is necessary.