Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Confirm Pressure Recording In Portal Venogram

Question: Our physician did a portal venous angiogram and also recorded the portal venous pressures. How can we report this procedure?

Alaska Subscriber

Answer: When your physician does a portal venous angiogram, you can choose from the following two codes, depending upon whether or not your physician also did a hemodynamic evaluation.

  • 75885, Percutaneous transhepatic portography with hemodynamic evaluation, radiological supervision and interpretation
  • 75887, Percutaneous transhepatic portography without hemodynamic evaluation, radiological supervision and interpretation

In the scenario described in the question, the best code is 75885. In addition, you can submit code 36481 (Percutaneous portal vein catheterization by any method) for the percutaneous catheterization of the portal vein.