Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Check Final Update -- 237.78 or 237.79

Question: When we looked over the new ICD-9 2011 codes, we saw 237.78 for "other neurofibromatosis." But I just saw it as 237.79 on another list. Which is correct?

California Subscriber

Answer: According to the final list posted on the CMS website, 237.79 is the new code for "other neurofibromatosis."

The Inpatient Proposed Payment System listed 237.78 for "other neurofibromatosis," but CMS states it "has been modified to new code 237.79." You can find this information by going to this site: Download the "New, Revised, and Invalid Diagnosis and Procedure Codes FINAL VERSION - Effective 10/1/2010." Table 6A includes the list of new diagnosis codes.

Protect yourself: You always want to be sure you're using the final list of code updates and not working off of the proposed code list. Otherwise you could be using incorrect codes that will cause denials.

Coding tip: Remember that as an "other" code, you should choose 237.79 when the physician knows the type of neurofibromatosis and documents it, but you don't have a specific coding option for it.

That's in contrast to "unspecified" code 237.70 (Neurofibromatosis, unspecified). You use that code when the physician documents neurofibromatosis but does not identify the type.

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