Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

Check CCI Edits for 70110/70100 Bundle

Question: Which codes should I report when a surgeon orders (and we perform) a three-view mandible xray to diagnose a fracture and then a four-view x-ray to check for proper alignment following closed reduction?

New Hampshire Subscriber

Answer: The appropriate code for the first service, a three-view mandible x-ray, is 70100 (Radiologic examination, mandible; partial, less than four views). The second service, the four-view mandible x-ray, merits 70110 (... complete, minimum of four views).

Snag: Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits bundle 70100 into 70110 with a modifier indicator of "0," which means you may not use a modifier to override the edit. So if your practice performs the services on the same date, your payer may consider only 70110 reportable and payable.

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