Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Questions:

76775 May Be Best Match for G0389

Question: We use G0389 for AAA screening of Medicare patients. What is the corresponding CPT code for commercial payers?

Codify Member

Answer: CPT doesn't provide a precise match, but your most likely options are 76700-76705 (Ultrasound, abdominal, real time with image documentation ...) and 76770-76775 (Ultrasound, retroperitoneal [e.g., renal, aorta, nodes], real time with image documentation ...).

CPT guidelines state that retroperitoneal ultrasound includes examination of the abdominal aorta, and experts indicate radiologists are most likely to perform a limited retroperitoneal ultrasound (76775, ... limited) to screen for abdominal aorta aneurysm (AAA).

Caution: Coverage for screening will depend on the particular payer's policy. Be sure to choose the appropriate diagnosis code. If no AAA is found, consider using V81.2 (Special screening for cardiovascular, respiratory, and genitourinary diseases; other and unspecified cardiovascular conditions) as the primary diagnosis.