Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

You Can Still Report A4644-A4646

Question: I was surprised to see that HCPCS Codes deleted the low osmolar contrast material codes (A4644-A4646) this year. Is there a replacement code to use for these, or will carriers bundle the material into the procedure codes from now on?

Colorado Subscriber
Answer: Although HCPCS originally directed coders to report the new code A9525 (Supply of low or iso-osmolar contrast material, 10 mg of iodine) for this material, CMS had a change of heart and reinstated A4644-A4646 (Supply of low osmolar contrast material ...) effective April 1.

CMS was so sure about reinstating A4644-A4646 that carriers will no longer honor A9525 as of April 1. According to Medicare Transmittal 45 (dated Jan. 23, 2004), A9525 will be invalid for Medicare claims and will carry a status indicator "I."

See the complete document at