Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Select 75809 for Nonvascular Shunts

Question: In a patient with suspected block in the ventriculoperi­toneal shunt, our physician supervised a shuntogram. How can we code for this service?

Ohio Subscriber

Answer: You should report code 75809 (Shuntogram for investigation of previously placed indwelling nonvascular shunt [e.g., LeVeen shunt, ventriculoperitoneal shunt, indwelling infusion pump], radiological supervision and interpretation) for the procedure’s supervision and interpretation if your physician performed that aspect of the service.

Also: Remember to append modifier 26 (Professional component) for the professional service alone if your provider does not own the radiological equipment needed for imaging the flow.

What is a shuntogram? A shuntogram is a radiological study in which a radioactive isotope is introduced in the shunt reservoir and the physician then measures the speed with which it travels to the abdomen. Your physician may interpret the delayed movement of the isotope as a problem in the shunt and may decide an intervention is needed based upon the interpretation.