Reader Question:
Clarification of CAT Code
Published on Fri Mar 01, 2002
Question: CPT 76380 reads, "Computerized axial tomography, limited or localized follow-up study." We are unclear about whether we should interpret this definition as 1) a follow-up study, which is determined to be either limited or localized, but which definitely is a follow-up CT; or 2) a limited CT or localized CT study of a body part, which may or may not be a follow-up exam.
New York Subscriber
Answer: Some coding experts believe 76380 may be assigned for limited or localized CTs, whether or not they are considered to be follow-up studies. Others argue that it must be a follow-up study of a limited or localized area.
The AMA clarified this issue through its CPT Information Services, although it was never published as a revised code. The official clarification says 76380 is intended to report a limited study or localized follow-up study. Code 76380 is not intended to describe a follow-up study that is limited. Rather, it should be reported either when the CT is limited or when the CT is performed as a localized follow-up study.