Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Carotid Doppler

Question: How do I code a carotid Doppler?

Massachusetts Subscriber

Answer: The correct codes are in the Medicine section of CPT Codes , under Non-invasive Vascular Diagnostic Studies. Depending on the service provided, you would use 93880 (duplex scan of extracranial arteries; complete bilateral study) or 93882 (... unilateral or limited study).

Coders should take note of the introductory material CPT has included with this category of codes. It states that all patient care associated with these studies is included in the code, as well as supervision and interpretation. It also remarks that use of a simple handheld or other Doppler device that does not produce hard-copy output, or that produces a record that does not permit analysis of bidirectional vascular flow, is part of the physical examination and can not be separately reported.