Radiology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

49465 Includes Imaging

Question: How should we report checking a J-tube under fluoro in a hospital-based IR lab? Can we report 76080 with the procedure component of 49465?

Codify Member

Answer: The proper code for this service is 49465 (Contrast injection[s] for radiological evaluation of existing gastrostomy, duodenostomy, jejunostomy, gastrojejunostomy, or cecostomy [or other colonic] tube, from a percutaneous approach including image documentation and report).

This code does not have professional and technical components under the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule, so you should not append modifier 26 (Professional component) to report the physician's service.

You also should not add 76080 (Radiologic examination, abscess, fistula or sinus tract study, radiological supervision and interpretation) because 49465 includes "image documentation and report."