Radiology Coding Alert

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Medicare Approves PET Coverage for AD Patients

CMS finalized the draft decision reported in October's Radiology Coding Alert

On Sept. 15, 2004, The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) announced that it had expanded positron emission tomography (PET) coverage to certain Medicare beneficiaries at risk for or suspected of having Alzheimer's disease.

"Together with outside experts and other agencies, we examined the available data and determined that we ought to approve coverage for patients who've been worked up but whose diagnosis is uncertain," said CMS Administrator Mark B. McClellan, MD, PhD. "We also concluded that the technology is promising for patients with early dementia, but is only reasonable and necessary in the context of a peer-reviewed clinical trial that will ensure that the technology is properly used to help families and doctors to diagnose and manage their cases, and will develop evidence of the value of the technology for particular populations and the safeguards necessary to ensure patient protection. We're moving forward on both fronts."

For more information, check out the CMS Web site