The pro fee cut isn't completely eliminated, though.CMS no longer plans to apply the Multiple Procedure Payment Reduction (MPPR) professional fee cut to multiple providers within the same group practice.As reported in Radiology Coding Alert, vol. 14, no. 1, "Conversion Factor and MPPR News Doesn't Bode Well for Radiology," CMS plans to apply the MPPR 25 percent pro fee cut to diagnostic imaging services performed by the same physician, to the same patient, during the same session. In the Medicare Physician Fee Schedule final rule (with comment period), CMS had said the MPPR would apply to providers within the same group practice, as well. The American College of Radiology (ACR) now reports that CMS "will not apply the professional component MPPR for imaging services performed by separate physicians in the same group practice for 2012. This decision will affect both office and hospital practices" (