Radiology Coding Alert


Download the RVU File

To download the 2001 RVU file, visit the HCFA Web site at From the home page, select in order the links for Stats and Data, Public Use Data Files and under the heading Physician Fee Schedule Relative Value File. RVU01.EXE. Scroll to the bottom of the page to accept the CPT Codes copyright statement. To download the current year (CY) 2001 file and obtain a self-extracting copy of the fee schedule, click the file and accept, select the directory or folder to which you want to save the file on your computer and choose save.

When the download is complete, go to the directory or folder you chose, and double click the saved file. You will be asked to select a directory for the self-extracted files. Choose the directory to which you want to save the files and click unzip. A total of seven files (containing four documents, each of which is offered in two or more formats) will self-extract to the chosen directory.

The fee schedule itself, which you will see on your screen as pprrvu01, is offered in three formats. The Excel (.xls) version is the easiest to use. (See sample on reverse side.) If you dont have Excel software, you can also view the information as a text (.txt) file.

When you open the Excel file, you will find all HCPCS Codes Level II and procedure codes list along the left axis. Across the top are 30 columns (A-Z, plus AA, AB, AC and AD), each containing information relevant to the listed codes. The Radiology Section (70010-79999) is about two-thirds of the way through the file. Of course, there are occasions when radiologists use codes outside of the Radiology Section (e.g., catheterization codes such as 47510).