Radiology Coding Alert


150.x-156.x Match to Gastrointestinal Anatomy Sites

Stay alert for most appropriate code for 'overlapping sites.'

If you have trouble distinguishing the cecum from the sigmoid colon or the duodenum from the descending colon, take a moment to review the graphic below.

To see how anatomy can compare to your coding options, check the table, which offers a sampling of codes related to primary neoplasm diagnoses.

Caution: When choosing codes for your claims, always look at both the ICD-9 index and the tabular list to be sure you have the most appropriate code. This precaution is especially important when documentation indicates neoplasms of contiguous or overlapping sites. Notes in the tabular list will often instruct you to use an "other specified sites" code ending in .8 for these cases.

For example, ICD-9 offers 151.8 (Malignant neoplasm of stomach; other specified sites of stomach) with the note: "Malignant neoplasm of contiguous or overlapping sites of stomach whose point of origin cannot be determined."

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