Radiology Coding Alert

Stay Up-to-Date on This Recent Radiology Coding Guidance
See how this authoritative guidance might affect your mammogram, PET/CT coding, and more. ... Read more
ICD-10-CM 2021:
Decipher New ICD-10-CM Guidelines for Diabetes, Puerperal Sepsis, and More
Gain some crucial context surrounding sepsis diagnoses following obstetrical procedures. ... Read more
Interventional Radiology:
Use This Q/A Flowchart to Accurately Report PICC Procedures.
Tackle your PICC claims one step at a time for efficient and accurate coding. Handling a ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Learn How to Handle Claims Returned as Unprocessable
Question: We received an “unprocessable” claim from our Medicare Administrative Contra... Read more
Reader Questions:
Level Up Your Knowledge on Medicare Appeals Claims
Question: I submitted a claim to my region's Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Adhere to ACR Practice Parameter Guidelines for Contrast Documentation
Question: Does the amount of contrast administered during a magnetic resonance imaging (MR... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Parenthetical Notes for Proper ICD-10-CM Sequening
Question: I'm reading an impression that notes atherosclerotic heart disease of the native... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Avoid Double Billing for Some US Guidance Services
Question: A vascular surgeon performs an endovenous ablation therapy of the right greater ... Read more
CPT® 2021:
Navigate Across the 2021 Radiological CPT® Landscape With Tips and Pointers
Home in on a few crucial lung biopsy and CT scan codes. The process of making preparation... Read more
ICD-10-CM 2021:
Round Out Your Knowledge With Part 3 of 2021 ICD-10-CM Changes
Touch upon an assortment of categories you're sure to encounter in the radiology specialty... Read more
Work Out 3 Common COVID-19 Diagnostic Case Studies
Not sure which ICD-10 code to list first? Consider these strategies. Sequencing COVID-19 ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Discern Between Rules for 3D Postprocessing on CTAs, MRAs
Question: Does 3D postprocessing need to be documented on a magnetic resonance angiography... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get to the Bottom of Difference Between Excludes1, Excludes2 Notes
Question: I am still confused by the Excludes1 and Excludes2 instructions in ICD-10. Can y... Read more
Reader Questions:
Dive Deeper Than Just Dx Code for Ankylosing Spondylitis
Question: My radiologist documented a diagnosis of ankylosing spondylitis of the cervical ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check Payer Preference for 77047 Billing With Modifier 52
Question: I have two unilateral mammogram scenarios I am working on. The first involves a ... Read more
ICD-10-CM Coding:
Tackle 2 Challenging Catheter Complication Dx Coding Scenarios
See how the correct choice hinges on your knowledge of anatomy and terminology. When it c... Read more
E/M 2021:
Get In-Depth Guidance on New E/M Office/Outpatient Coding
Plus, see how your prolonged services coding will change in January. Since Radiology Cod... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Gain Insights on PICC Coding Using Expert Guidance and Tips
Never veer beyond what's included in the medical documentation. The coding of peripheral... Read more
Reader Questions:
Get Pertinent Details on ABN Form CMS-R131 Deadline Extension
Question: I was told by a colleague that there's a new advance beneficiary notice (ABN) fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know Existing Patient Carryover Rules for New Practice Providers
Question: We are aware of the new patient rules for office/outpatient evaluation and manag... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Assume Correlation Equals Causation Within Impression Dxs
Question: I know all about avoiding the coding of diagnoses using probable, suspected... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Work Out This Same Day, Multiple Chest X-Ray Encounter
Question: We have a patient that received a total of four single-view chest X-rays on the ... Read more
ICD-10-CM 2021:
Gear Up for a Second Round of ICD-10-CM 2021 Changes
Get under the hood for a look changes affecting all parts of the ICD-10-CM book. The furt... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Get Essential Coding Tips for In-Office CT Scanning
Plus, see when it's appropriate to bill for contrast injection. While typically designate... Read more
Interventional Radiology:
Break Down the Mechanics of Mechanical Thrombectomy Coding With 5 Tips
Home in on a CPT® Assistant article for a crucial set of instructions. Mechanical throm... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consider Bundling Edits Before Coding Same-Day CT, Bronchoscopy Services
Question: Our radiologist interpreted an unenhanced prepro­cedural CT of the chest for a ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check Parenthetical Notes for Heart Disease, CHF Diagnoses
Question: A computed tomography (CT) scan of the heart indicates that the patient has... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Misconstrue the Wording of This ICD-10-CM Guideline
Question: How should I code a patient who has two stage 2 pressure ulcers on the right but... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Get Pertinent Mammogram-Related NCD Guidance From CMS
Question: How can I determine whether a diagnosis is payable by Medicare for code 77066? W... Read more
ICD-10-CM 2021:
Get Your First Look at Incoming Changes to ICD-10-CM 2021
Don't overlook pertinent details that don't involve new, revised, or deleted codes. With ... Read more
Look Beyond the New ICD-10-CM Coding Changes
If you want to get the most out of the ICD-10-CM updates, you've got to look beyond the me... Read more
Maximize Your Shot at Reimbursement Success on Modifier 22 Claims
Rely on some key modifier info and expert guidance to limit appeals and boost your bottom ... Read more
Query Your Providers With Increased Ease Using These Tips
Learn how to set up an efficient, working system of communication. The radiology specialt... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Code Separately for Multiple Imaging Modalities with 50432
Question: A patient presents to the emergency department (ED) with dysuria and renal colic... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use ACR Guidance for 76801 Amniotic Fluid Reporting
Question: What are the rules surrounding documentation of amniotic fluid on an initia... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consider MUEs, CPT® Guidelines for Laterality Modifier Denials
Question: Why might I be receiving a denial for frequency when submitting two units of a 1... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Look to CPT® Rules When Handling 19083, +19084 Denials
Question: Our radiologist performed a bilateral percutaneous breast biopsy with placement ... Read more
Decode COVID-19 ICD-10-CM Guidelines With This Radiology Example
Don't get caught up in confusing semantic details. With the recent updates to the ICD-10-... Read more
Navigate Your Way Through the Consultation E/M Coding Process
See what it takes to get both respective providers their deserved reimbursement. The freq... Read more
Interventional Radiology:
Refresh Your Thyroid FNA Coding With These Tips
Consider how the coding dynamics change for more than one lesion. If your radiology pract... Read more
Reader Questions:
Select Signs, Symptoms for DES Diagnoses
Question: What's the diagnosis code to report for dysfunctional elimination syndrome (DES)... Read more
Reader Questions:
Distinguish Number of X-Ray Views From Images
Question: A technique in the dictation report for an X-ray of the forearm states one view ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bundle 36253 into 37236 When Used for Diagnostic Purposes
Question: An interventional radiologist performs a renal angiogram on a patient with docum... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Confuse Suspected COVID-19 Dx With Suspected Exposure
Question: On a computed tomography (CT) scan of the chest for a patient with respiratory d... Read more
PET Scans:
Tackle the Logistics of Initial, Subsequent PET Scan Coding
Put equal consideration into the CPT® and ICD-10-CM portions of the visit. In Radiology... Read more
Adjust Your Sights to This Brand-New Set of Radiologic NCCI Edits
Take these April changes into account to streamline coding processes. You might be in th... Read more
Get Essential Details on Cost-Sharing Waiving With Modifier CS
Meet this specific set of criteria to waive cost-sharing on eligible services. There ha... Read more
Reader Question:
Base These 2021 E/M Services on MDM, Time
Question: Is it true that evaluation and management (E/M) coding for office and outpatient... Read more
Reader Question:
Confirm Distinct Access Points for 93452, 36620 Bundling
Question: How would you code the placement of an arterial line for continuous blood pressu... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Distinguish Between Incidental, Relevant Cerebral Ischemia DXs
Question: How do you know when to include chronic cerebral ischemic disease as a diagnosis... Read more
Get In-Depth Coverage on COVID-19 ICD-10-CM Updates
Navigate through a series of rules and instructions, with helpful examples to guide you. ... Read more
Stay Informed on All the Telehealth Coding Essentials
See what sets telehealth apart from the rest of the virtual services. When a pandemic lik... Read more
Virtual Services:
Home in on Coding for Virtual Check-Ins, E-Visits, and More
Round out your knowledge of all the virtual services with these guidelines. With as much... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Provider Discretion for Switch From Diagnostic to Screening Mammogram
Question: What are the guidelines for reverting back to a screening mammogram for a patien... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Telehealth Payer Guidelines for Extenuating Circumstances
Question: If a physician performs a Facetime conversation with a COVID-19 patient from the... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Let Index Guide You to US-Guided Cryoablation Code
Question: What's the code for an ultrasound-guided cryoablation of an adenoma of the left ... Read more
PET Scans:
Guide Your Way Through the Nuances of PET Scan Coding
Polish your skills by covering everything from modifiers to radiopharmaceuticals. Coding ... Read more
CPT® Coding":
Get Answers to These Pertinent 3D Rendering FAQs
Navigate between a set of crucial guidelines and some expert feedback. When you're codin... Read more
Avoid Insufficient Documentation Snags With CERT-Certified Tips
Recalibrate your documentation protocols and start fresh for 2020 and beyond. Documenta... Read more
Reader Question:
Check CMS NCD for 77080 Frequency Denial
Question: Should I write off a Medicare frequency denial for a dual-energy X-ray abso... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Indicative Phrasing a Definitive Diagnosis
Question: In the impression of the report, the provider documents that “contrast opacifi... Read more
Reader Question:
Transfer Existing Patients Over From Old Practices
Question: We've got a new interventional radiologist who is seeing patients from their for... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Correctly Sequence Sequela, Nature of Sequela Dx Codes
Question: I'm coding a preoperative magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scan for a revision o... Read more
Bank on These Crucial PAMA FAQs for 2020 and Beyond AUC Consultation
Stay ahead of the curve and ensure no payments get left behind. You might have heard the ... Read more
ICD-10-CM Coding:
Ace 2 Problematic Dx Coding Scenarios With These Tips
Don't steer far from the alphabetic index for a more specific code. Being a well-rounded ... Read more
Final Rule:
Stay on Top of the Most Important 2020 E/M Final Rule Changes
Get the scoop on what's different from the 2019 Final Rule to the 2020 Final rule. There... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow Dictation Report Lead for Bilateral Orbital FB X-rays
Question: How should I code an orbital foreign body (FB) X-ray that involves one PA view f... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Context, Site Before Reporting 77077
Question: I'm working on a report for a bilateral two-view X-ray of the hands and wrists. ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Consider Both Bilateral Surgery Indicator and MUEs in This Scenario
Question: Should I report one unit or two units for an Onyx® embolization of bilateral mi... Read more
CPT® 2020:
Incorporate New Radiological GI Changes With Examples
Take note of this especially important new add-on code. As the new year begins, you're go... Read more
CPT® Coding:
Get Terminated Lung Biopsy Coding Right With This Guide
Navigate your way through a plethora of helpful examples. If you're used to coding biopsi... Read more
Discern Medicare Falsehoods From Truths With These Myth Busters
Enhance your Medicare knowledge that extends beyond the coding realm. When working with a... Read more
Reader Question:
Dive Deep Into Meaning of This 36478, 36471 NCCI Edit
Question: We've begun receiving denials when reporting 36478 with 36471. I found the Cente... Read more
Reader Question:
Refer to These Important Excludes Notes for Wellness Exams
Question: What's the ICD-10-CM code for a wellness exam for a plain chest X-ray? Tennesse... Read more
Reader Question:
Look Out for This New Vaping-Related Disorder Code
Question: I've heard there's a new diagnosis code coming out for patients with vaping rela... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Let Dictation Report Guide Your Terminated Procedure Coding
Question: We've got a patient who was placed into the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sca... Read more
Final Rule:
Take Note of Sweeping Changes in the CMS 2020 Final Rule
Plus, see how policy changes will impact your provider's bottom line. On Nov. 1, 2019, th... Read more
ICD-10-CM Coding:
Code 2 Challenging Radiological ICD-10-CM Examples
Know when to go as far as the NCD to get the guidelines you need. While the ICD-10-CM man... Read more
Rules and Regulations:
Look Out For Proposed Incident-To Billing Policy Changes
Consider how a MedPAC intervention could reduce reimbursement. While not prevalent within... Read more
Reader Question:
Report +99354 With 99214 Under Specific Conditions
Question: Our interventional radiologist saw a patient during an E/M service for a prolong... Read more
Reader Question:
Dive Deeper Into Meaning of Bilateral Surgery Indicator '0'
Question: Why does code 73060 have a bilateral surgery indicator of “0?” Does tha... Read more
Reader Question:
Distinguish Between Nephrostomy Surgical, Imaging Services
Question: A urologist places a nephrostomy catheter under ultrasound (US) and fluoroscopic... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Code Screening Breast MRIs With Caution
Question: We have a patient seen for a high-risk breast magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) s... Read more
Available Years:  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  2000  1999  

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