Pulmonology Coding Alert

You Be the Coder:

Flexible Bronchoscopy

Test your coding knowledge. Determine how you would code this situation before looking at the box below for the

Question: Which CPT code should we report for flexible bronchoscopy via a tracheostomy with removal of obstructing crusts?

Nebraska Subscriber

Answer: The only code for reporting a bronchoscopy via a tracheostomy is 31615 (Tracheo-bronchoscopy through established tracheostomy incision). Typically, this code is used to visualize the patient's airway.

If there are "crusts" causing an obstruction and requiring removal, the pulmonologist would most likely aspirate the tracheobronchial tree. You should report this procedure with 31645 (Bronchoscopy, [rigid or flexible]; with therapeutic aspiration of tracheo-bronchial tree, initial [e.g., drainage of lung abscess]) or 31646 ( with therapeutic aspiration of tracheo-bronchial tree, subsequent) depending on whether this procedure was an initial or subsequent aspiration.