Question: I heard that most pulmonologists do not allow the use of cardiopulmonary therapy to treat emphysema. It could be good for places where you can hear air movement, but why not? Is it fact or hearsay?
Oklahoma Subscriber
Answer: Chest physiotherapy (CPT) is the use of percussion and postural drainage (94667-94668), and is sometimes referred to by clinicians as "cardiopulmonary therapy." There is no solid directive that says CPT and emphysema (492) are contraindicated. However, there is no data that supports it either. Generally, clinicians agree that CPT is not helpful for emphysema because in this disease, lack of air movement causes lung tissue destruction. Commonly, pulmonologists use CPT for cystic fibrosis (277.00-277.09) where the lack of air movement is due to mucous impaction.