Pulmonology Coding Alert


Do Not Unbundle Plethysmography and Airway Resistance

Question: Has anyone heard any definitive information regarding a respiratory therapist being the only one permitted to do pulmonary function tests (PFTs) even in an office setting, or can a physician or even a supervised medical technician (as long as there is a physician in the office) perform them? I had heard this was being discussed, but have seen nothing in writing yet. Also, I need some clarification on coding PFTs. When I assign 94060, 94240, 94720, or 94360, am I supposed to also use 93720? Or is this already included in one of the codes Im already reporting? New Jersey Subscriber Answer: Contrary to what you have heard, there is no directive stating that only respiratory therapists are permitted to administer PFTs. Staff who administer PFTs should be trained and knowledgeable about PFT testing. You may want to review the guidelines for PFT personnel that the American Thoracic Society [...]
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