Question: During a follow-up visit, a pulmonologist in our practice saw a patient to evaluate the effectiveness of their CPAP treatment. The patient was initially diagnosed with OSA and was administered a CPAP for treatment. At the visit, the patient explained they didn’t experience any improvement with the CPAP machine. The pulmonologist diagnosed the patient with CPAP intolerance. What code do I need to report for the patient’s condition? North Dakota Subscriber Answer: You’ll need two ICD-10-CM codes in the situation you’ve presented. One to describe the reason for the patient’s continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) machine use and one to report the CPAP intolerance. Since the provider administered the CPAP to treat the patient’s obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis, you’ll assign G47.33 (Obstructive sleep apnea (adult) (pediatric)) as the primary diagnosis code. CPAP intolerance means the equipment is ineffective in treating the patient. Next, you’ll assign Z78.9 (Other specified health status) as the secondary diagnosis code to report the CPAP intolerance.