Question: What is the proper way to bill for CPT® code 95165 preparation and supervision of immunotherapy and the injection code for this- 95117 to Medicare? Can we bill this code with the complete amount of units for one date of service, or do we bill CPT® 95117 with 2 or 3 units depending on the amount of injection? Kindly help.
Utah Subscriber
Answer: CPT® procedure code 95165 (Professional services for the supervision of preparation and provision of antigens for allergen immunotherapy; single or multiple antigens [specify number of doses]) is one of a family of six codes that coders use to report multi-dose vials of certain non-venomous antigens.
When billing code 95165, providers should report the number of units representing the number of 1 cc doses that he administered. Medicare allows billing of a maximum of 10 doses per vial, even if the provider obtained more than ten preparations from the vial. In cases where the provider dilutes a multi-dose vial, remember not to bill Medicare for diluted preparations in excess of the 10 doses per vial, as permissible under code 95165.
Next: Always use the following component codes when reporting allergy immunotherapy services to Medicare.
In scenario you describe, you may report the injection only codes 95115 and 95117 once and/or the codes representing antigens and their preparation (95144-95170). 95117 represents two or more injection and should not be reported more than once per day.
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