Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

CPT® Limits 31725 To Just 'Fiberoptic Bronchoscope'

Question: What are the clues to properly coding 31725? I usually link candidiasis of lung to this CPT®, but what other ICD-9 codes can I use?

Texas Subscriber

Answer: Think "fiberoptic bronchoscope" when reporting 31725. For this procedure, a physician would perform tracheobronchial catheter aspiration with a fiberscope at the bedside where conscious sedation may be needed.

How does it happen: The pulmonologist would introduce the catheter through the mouth or a previously established tracheostomy, and advance through the trachea and into the main bronchus under fiberscopic guidance. She would advance the catheter into the right and/or left bronchi as needed. Then, she would remove pulmonary secretions or foreign material from the bronchi and trachea using intermittent suction.

Commonly used ICD-9 codes for 31725 include:

  • 112.4 (Candidiasis of lung)
  • 162.5 (Malignant neoplasm of lower lobe, bronchus or lung)
  • 277.00-277.09 (Cystic fibrosis)
  • 480.0-480.9 (Pneumonia).

If the physician performed aspiration through the nasotracheal area, you would report 31720 (Catheter aspiration [separate procedure]; nasotracheal).

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