Reader Question:
Capture Simple Chest Tube Removals as Part of E/M or Other Services Provided
Published on Sun Nov 25, 2012
Question: Our pulmonologist recently performed a chest tube insertion for pneumothorax? How should I report this procedure that our pulmonologist performed? Also, please let me know what is the code that I need to report when our pulmonologist performs a removal of the tube that has been placed? Atlanta Subscriber Answer: The answer depends on the type of chest tube insertion that your pulmonologist performed. If your pulmonologist performs a tube thoracostomy by inserting a hollow chest tube through an incision in the chest wall, you will report it with 32551 (Tube thoracostomy, includes water seal [e.g., for abscess, hemothorax, empyema], when performed [separate procedure]). But, instead if your pulmonologist performs a chest tube insertion with the placement of an indwelling catheter through a thoracostomy using a tunneled procedure (typical for management of malignant pleural effusions), you can report the procedure performed by your pulmonologist to treat pneumothorax using [...]