Pulmonology Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Are the New ICD-10 Codes Final?

Question: Is the new ICD-10-CM codeset for FY 2017 final? I have heard people saying that this is not final, and we need to wait before reporting them.

New York Subscriber

Answer: The new ICD-10-CM and PCS codeset revision for FY 2017 is not yet final, but proposed. Here is how the timeline goes:

April 2016- Notice of proposed rulemaking, the IPPS, including proposed ICD-10-CM and PCS changes, duly approved in the March meeting. These are the codes that everyone is talking about now.

June 2016- Final code updates and addendum gets posted on the CMS website.

August 1, 2016- Final rule with links to final codes goes live.

September 13-14, 2016 Next meeting, to discuss new requests.

October 1, 2016- The new code implementation starts.

Remember: New codes for 2017 do not become effective until 10/1/16, and should not be used prior to the effective date.