New codes on PFT, wheeze rating, and bronchial valve take the stage in 2011. Brace yourself for a new wave of Category III codes affecting pulmonology coders, going into effect Jan. 1... Background: Hint: Bronchial Valve Codes Make A Debut Three new codes affecting bronchial valve procedures (insertion or removal) describe emerging technologies, including: Guideline: Example: Meanwhile, you should never report 0251T in conjunction with endoscopy procedures 31622-31626, 31628-31631, 31634- 31636, 31638-31646. Code 0251T is a complete bronchoscopy code and includes 31622. The purpose of bronchoscopy is only to remove a bronchial valve which had been placed into the airway previously, says Plummer. That's why you cannot report 0251T with the other bronchoscopy codes. Example: A patient with a persistent airleak had previously had a bronchial valve placed bronchoscopically which stopped the leak. The patient undergoes bronchoscopy to remove the valve. You would code this 0251T. If the patient had had several valves placed in two lobes that were removed at the same time, then the coding would be 0251T, 0252T for the removal valves from 2 lobes. It would be 0251T, 0252X2 if valves were removed from 3 separate lobes. Wheeze Rating T Codes Emerge for PFT Two of the more important Category III codes coming up next year concern acoustic pulmonary function test (PFT): 0243T (Intermittent measurement of wheeze rate for bronchodilator or bronchial-challenge diagnostic evaluation(s), with interpretation and report), and 0244T (Continuous measurement of wheeze rate during treatment assessment or during sleep for documentation of nocturnal wheeze and cough for diagnostic evaluation 3 to 24 hours, with interpretation and report). Guideline: CPT guidelines state that if CPT offers a Category III code for a particular service, you must go for that code instead of a Category I unlisted code. So keep up with more news about 2011 T codes at