Pulmonology Coding Alert

CCI 18.3 Update:

Latest Coding Edits Bundles Skin Repair With Most Pulmonology Procedures

Edits double ensure that you cannot report wound closure with surgical procedures. Don't forget to take into account the latest version (18.3) of the Correct Coding Initiative (CCI) edits that became effective Oct. 1, 2012 --- experts recommend you to heed this voluminous number of changes that prevent you from reporting skin repair codes with most procedures that your pulmonologist will perform on a day-to-day basis. Massive edits: "In the 15 years or so that I have been analyzing the NCCI database, this release will go down in history as the Ripley's Believe it or Not quarterly change," warns Frank Cohen, MPA, MBB, principal and senior analyst for The Frank Cohen Group in Clearwater, Fla. "Effective October 1, 2012, there will be 233,241 new edit pairs added to the database. So, in addition to the overwhelming volume of reasons that payers use to deny payment to a practice, you can add 1 [...]
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