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Pulmonology Coding Alert
Pulmonology Coding Alert
Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011, Volume 12, Number 12
CPT® 2012:
Refine Your Medicine, Cardiothoracic Surgery Reporting With Key Code Expansions
Give up diagnostic thoracoscopy code 32602 in favor of newbies 32607-32609.Remember to che...
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2012 E/M Revisions:
Supplement Your 99218-99220 Descriptors With Added Time Guidelines
CPT® confirms RVUs for subsequent observation care codes 99224-99226.Say hello to fr...
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Evaluation and Management:
Q&A: Support Your E/M Skills With 3 Fresh Facts
File that E/M claim regardless of inconclusive diagnosis -- but make sure you document eve...
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Reader Questions:
Oxygen Therapy: Designate Supply Code Instead Of 94799
Question:I'm billing oxygen therapy provided during an office visit for a Medicare patient...
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Reader Question:
Bill 31628 If Biopsies Occurs In The Same Lobe
Question:Op note says: The pulmonologist introduced the scope through the right nostril an...
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Reader Question:
Submit Your Medicare Enrollment Revalidation Before March 2013
Question:What does CMS's policy on revalidation of provider enrollment information imply?S...
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Reader Question:
Designate Place Of Service Codes With Appropriate NPI
Question:What POS should we use when our physician does interpretations of sleep studies f...
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You Be the Coder:
Medicare Covers PFT Technical Component -- But With Limitations
Question:My claim implies pulmonary function test without physician interpretation. Will M...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 11
Diagnosis Code Update:
ICD-9-CM: Take A Sneak Peek On Changes In 3 Respiratory Conditions
Don't report 488.12 unless physician confirms H1N1 influenza. Find out what code should fi...
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J93: Standby For 'Greater Detail' Pneumothorax Codes in 2013
But first, fifth-digit requirements on NOS go into effect next year.When a patient experie...
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Inhalation treatment:
Quick Quiz: Recognize 'Frequent Short-Gapped' Attribute Of 94640 To Aid Your Coding
If demo is inevitable, you may have to look beyond a diagnostic procedure.Does your physic...
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CCI Edits 17.3:
32422, 71010 Bundle -- And More -- Improve Your Pulmonary Coding Options This Quarter
Immunotherapy code Q2043 does not concern pulmonologists, and should remain an oncology is...
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Inhalation treatment answers:
3 Solutions Capture Precise Nebulizer Treatment Billing
Key: Bill drug separately with J code when coding for spirometry.E/M will usually comprise...
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Reader Question:
Spot Modifier 76 Applicability In Therapeutic Intervention
Question: A patient presents to the office with an allergic reaction to chlorine after swi...
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Reader Question:
ICD-9: Always Code Present Illness First
Question: The physician notes state: condition -- aspiration pneumonia; patient has d...
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You Be the Coder:
Moderate Sedation: Don't Stray From Services Provided
Question: If a physician who administers conscious sedation while another physician perfor...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 10
Pulmonary Rehabilitation and Respiratory Therapy Services:
Factor 4 Tips Into Your Pulmonary Rehab Service Coding Process
Limitation: G0424 requires monitored exercise, and an hour's therapy of up to two sessions...
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Reclassify 491.20 Under An Unspecified Code
Find out the difference between J44.1 and J44.9.Emphysema and chronic bronchitis are two t...
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Distinguish Between Modifiers 51, 59's 'Multiple' and 'Distinct' Descriptors
Find out which modifier Medicare prefers you not use. Many coders often find themselves in...
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Evaluation and Management:
You Can Get Paid Using Established Patient Phone Consultation Codes
Earn as much as $25.48 for phone calls not part of a face-to-face visit.Physicians and the...
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Reader Question:
Take Note Of The Reason For The Admission
Question: A patient with myasthenia gravis with acute exacerbation is admitted to the hosp...
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Reader Question:
Consider Atelectasis On Chest Xrays Abnormal Finding
Question: Coding Clinic, fourth quarter 1990, page 25, states that postoperative atelectas...
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Reader Question:
Feel Free To Bill 94016 With Bronchodilator Study Code
Question: Can I bill 94016 with a complete set of PFTs including 94060? I know of a few of...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Make This Bronchitis, URI Mistake
Question: My pulmonologist put both bronchitis and upper respiratory infection as the diag...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 9
Sleep Study:
Overlooking Polysomnography Documentation Requirements Could Mean a Claim Nightmare
CPTs 95808-95811 depict a sleep staging process with 3 basic components. Find out what the...
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CCI Edits 17.2:
What Role Do 94011-94012 Play On Complex Pulmonary Stress Test Coding?
Caution: Detach bronchoscopy codes 31626 and 31643 from each other.If your practice is big...
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Sleep Study Defined
Sleep studies are tests that watch what happens to a patient's body during sleep, and try ...
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Modifiers 58 vs. 78: Secure Reimbursement For Return-to-OR Services
Unmask the modifier to use when describing treatment for complication.Global period modifi...
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Reader Question:
Pneumonia Diagnosis Coding: Never Leave Your Medical Language Vague
Question: My pulmonologist documented "multilobar pneumonia." What ICD-9 code should I rep...
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Reader Question:
Determine Presence of Acute Respiratory Failure Before Coding 799.02
Question: How should I code hypoxia in COPD?Hawaii SubscriberAnswer: Hypoxia is the defici...
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Reader Question:
770.87 vs. 770.89: Go For The More Precise Code
Question: An infant patient stopped breathing at four minutes of age and had to be resusci...
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You Be the Coder:
Use Modifer 59 To Separate 94640 and 94664
Question: When an established patient with emphysema presents complaining of shortness of ...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 8
Imaging Study:
78580, 78586-78594: Soak Up The Language of VQ Study
Look for clues in the method used: injection or inhalation.When your pulmonologist orders ...
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I Code Replaces 415.12 In 2013
Don't forget to code first underlying infection.Pulmonary embolism is a sudden blockage in...
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Evaluation and Management:
Unique Services Direct Your Concurrent Care Coding
How would you bill two physicians who see the same patient on a given day?Coding concurren...
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Open Physician-Coder Communication Does The Trick
Be aggressive with your procedure/diagnosis queries for the sake of clarity.In diagnosis c...
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Reader Question:
Account Circumferential Collapse With 519.19
Question: Any suggestions for an ICD-9 code on "circumferential airway collapse"?Connectic...
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Reader Question:
How Do You Bill A Continuous Nebulizer Treatment?
Question: A 30-year-old woman presents to an outpatient office for a history of asthma and...
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Reader Question:
Office Visit Oxygen Therapy Is Part of E/M
Question: Can we bill for oxygen therapy given to patients in the office during an E/M ser...
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Reader Question:
Bill Unlisted Procedure For MIP and MEP
Question: How should I bill MIPs (maximum inspiratory pressures) or MEPs (maximum expirato...
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Reader Question:
Don't 'Overcode' Your Pulmonologist's Service
Question: An 86-year-old male with a background of pulmonary fibrosis and asthma was admit...
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You Be the Coder:
Look For Hints Of COPD In Documentation
Question: What are the factors that determine an initial diagnosis of COPD?Florida Subscri...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 7
Consultation and Referral:
Recoil From 3 Myths Obscuring Sarcoidosis Coding
What's ECG got to do with it?Knowing how to code a referral for patients with sarcoidosis ...
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D86.9: Use Manual As Guide For More Efficient Coding
What diagnosis can you list as secondary to sarcoidosis?Sarcoidosis -- cause unknown&...
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Diagnosis Coding:
997.31: VAP Diagnosis Do Not Happen In A Blink
Advise: Consider alternate diagnoses until the patient's condition is accurate.Coding vent...
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Physician's Signature Remains an Essential Part of EMRs
Careful: CMS recognizes electronic and handwritten signatures under certain criteria.If yo...
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Reader Question:
31630-31645: Appraise Therapeutic Bronchoscopy Codes
Question: What are the most common therapeutic bronchoscopy codes?California SubscriberAns...
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Reader Question:
Primary and Add-On Codes Always Go Hand-in-Hand
Question: I'm new to coding, and I still don't get add-on codes. What is their main functi...
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Reader Question:
Spot The Dot Within A Circle For Codes With Moderate Sedation
Question: How does moderate sedation work in pulmonology?New Mexico SubscriberAnswer: If y...
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Reader Question:
Check Fluoroscopic Guidance For 31628
Question: The pulmonologist sees a patient with acute respiratory failure, and decides to ...
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Reader Question:
Ensure Finality Before Reporting 518.82 For ARDS
Question: What is adult respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS)? How should we code it?Alaska...
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You Be the Coder:
31899: Spot Parallelism With 31641 -- Although Not Quite
Question: I know that you need to use the unlisted CPT® code 31899 to describe bronc...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 6
Case study:
E/M + Bronchoscopy + PFT: Unlock the Secrets to Signs and Symptoms Coding
Keep your CCI edits in mind for PFT bundles. When a patient presents with common respi...
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Observe 495.1's Transformation To J67.1 In 2013
The bagassosis condition comes with a number of signs and symptoms. Hypersensitivity p...
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Diagnosis Coding:
Deem Time Essential for 493.02 Treatment Services
Learn when prolonged services should not apply.Reporting your pulmonologist's asthma attac...
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Modifier 57 Remains Handy Post Removal of Consult Codes
Take a hint from a CPT®'s global period when choosing between modifiers 25 or 57.Con...
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Reader Question:
Tell 518.5 From 518.81
Question: When coding for acute respiratory failure, what is the difference between ICD-9 ...
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Reader Question:
E0483: Serve Your Vest Therapy Coding Well
Question: How should I report a therapy using The Vest® airway clearance system? A t...
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Reader Question:
Relieve Racemic Epinephrine Worries by Reporting 94640, 94664
Question: What code is used for racemic epinephrine inhalation?Colorado SubscriberAnswer: ...
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Reader Question:
CPT® Limits 31725 To Just 'Fiberoptic Bronchoscope'
Question: What are the clues to properly coding 31725? I usually link candidiasis of lung ...
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Reader Question:
Take Precedence Into Consideration When Coding 94010, 94070
Question:My physician wants me to bill separately for a spirogram and methacholine test pe...
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Reader Question:
Make Modifier 76 Handy In Moderate Exacerbation Cases
Question: Can you give me an example of when modifier 76 should be used in pulmonology pra...
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You Be the Coder:
Get Through With Your PST Billing
Question: Who should have pulmonary stress testing? What are the requisites to conduct thi...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 5
Allergy Coding:
3 Common Blunders Put Your EAA Coding Skills To The Test
Careful: 94375 is hot on bundles.Combat these three common mistakes in reporting extrinsic...
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J67.2 Takes Over Bird-fancier's Lung Code in 2013
Mind patient's symptoms until you get a definite diagnosis.Bird-fancier's lung is a type o...
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ICD-9 Coding:
Flu, BMI, Jaw Pain Diagnosis Codes Become More Straightforward
Consider: Where do BMI codes fare in pulmonology? Efficient billing is not just about g...
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Crash 3 Myths That Block Your Understanding Of Modifier 22
Safe move: Check with payers on differing coverage policies.If you overuse modifier 22 (In...
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Reader Questions:
Established Plan Of Care Ensures Incident-To Physician Claim
Question:The nurse administered a 300 mg Xolair injection to an established patient in a p...
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Reader Questions:
Secure A 21 or 22 POS For PFT Interpretation Service
Question:What place of service code would you use for interpretation of an inpatient or ou...
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Reader Questions:
Choose POS With Caution Under "Observation Status"
Question:As follow-up to the previous question, our office also gets a lot of denials for ...
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Reader Questions:
Placing Patient on O2 = Routine Service
Question:I've found out we have been charging O2 set up/installation for inpatient with th...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Be Too Hard On Your Modifier 25 Use
Question:A physician in our clinic said you do not need different diagnosis codes to use m...
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Reader Questions:
Expect To Profit Over $1k For 32652
Question:What is the CPT code for total pulmonary decortication?California SubscriberAnswe...
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Reader Questions:
Does 31627 Fit ENB Description?
Question:What CPT should I report for the electromagnetic bronchoscopy (ENB) treatment?Iow...
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Reader Questions:
Get Your CPT In Synch With Your Setting
Question:My doctor said he performed a diagnostic laryngoscopy with a tracheoscopy on an a...
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You Be the Coder:
76942 Matches Ultrasound Guidance for Thoracentesis
Question:How would you code an ultrasound guided thoracentesis?New Hampshire SubscriberAns...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 4
Pulmonary Function Test:
Make Best Use of PFT Code Combos And Get As Much As $230
Caveat: Don't mix 94010 and 94060, or you'll be in trouble.If you think dealing with pulmo...
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ICD-10 Retains Descriptor for 786.05
Consider: An underlying disorder could be causing this symptom.When a physician notes a pa...
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Diagnosis Coding:
Prevail From The Challenges of Billing Histoplasmosis
Overlooking symptoms could earn you $223 or nothing.Most patients who are infected with hi...
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E/M Elements: Improve Efficiencies With the Aid of Ancillary Staff
Every doctor should own up to a patient's history of present illness.Ancillary staff (i.e....
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Reader Questions:
Don't Overdo Common Colds
Question: Our pulmonologist saw a new patient and diagnosed her with "colds." In the medic...
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Reader Questions:
No Injection Code For 86580
Question: I'm not sure whether to use an E/M code or 86580 for tuberculosis skin tests. Ca...
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Reader Questions:
E/M Code Goes With Routine Trace Tube Change
Question: Does anyone know if we can charge for trach decannulation? If so, what is the CP...
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Reader Questions:
Reserve 465.9 For URI Without Specific Site
Question: A patient underwent two-view chest x-ray after going to the pulmonologist with c...
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You Be the Coder:
Spot 5 Factors In Physician's Notes When Coding COPD
Question: I am coding for a pulmonologist who made his initial diagnosis for a patient's C...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number 3
Flu Vaccination Service:
Stick It Out With G0008 For Medicare Flu Shot Claims
What's More: Intramuscular and intranasal vaccines each get separate code sets.Influenza s...
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ICD-10 Replaces V04.81 With Same-Theme Z Code
You have two years left to prepare for the diagnosis coding shift.When a patient presents ...
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Diagnosis Coding:
480-486: Careful Pneumonia Coding Keeps Provider-Payer Relationship Healthy
See why you should wait for physician's final diagnosis before settling for a code.Pneumon...
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Evaluation and Management:
Complete A Comprehensive Consultation To Optimize Reimbursement
Find out the importance of documenting pertinent positive/negative responses.Level-four an...
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Reader Questions:
"Separate Sessions" Define Modifier 59's Limitation
Question: According to coding edits 94762 (continuous overnight monitoring) is considered ...
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Reader Questions:
82800-82810: No Professional Component Applies
Question: Can I bill for a professional component when a pulmonologist orders an arterial ...
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Reader Questions:
Flu Vaccine Combo Now In Place
Question: I heard H1N1 and flu vaccines are combined this year. We were using 90663 for H1...
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Reader Questions:
Get the Lowdown on 94011-94013
Question: Can you clarify the three new codes (94011-94013) that were added in 2010 for in...
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You Be the Coder :
Be Careful Unbreaking Ties Between 93720, PFT
Question: Can I bill Medicare for code 93720 in addition to the other PFT codes?Answer: Ca...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2011; Volume 12, Number A
CCI Edits:
CCI Edits 17.0: Newest Edits Clarify Debuting CPT 2011 Procedures
Include category III ECG procedures in new home sleep study type III and IV services.The l...
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Mirror Descriptor for ICD-10 Home Sleep Study Code
Quick fact: ICD-10 codes can be expanded to accommodate additions, should it be necessary....
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Coding Quiz:
Coding Quiz: Reacquaint With Recent Tumor, Effusion Switches
No longer should you report an umbrella code for malignant lung/bronchial tumors.If you're...
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Modifier 62 Eases Your Multi-Provider Coding Dilemma
Your CPT should jive on both surgeons' op notes, or else bid $4k goodbye.When you come fac...
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Coding Quiz Solutions:
Coding Quiz Answers: Specificity Ranks on Top of Tumor, Effusion Codes
Find out why coding for primary source of tumor is as important as coding for the tumor it...
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Reader Questions:
Reserve 94664 for Education
Question: In relation to the first question, in what situation should we be reporting 9466...
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Reader Questions:
Aerosol and Gaseous Tests Set Apart
Question: What's the difference between aerosol and gaseous ventilation?Answer: Both aeros...
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Reader Questions:
787.22 Is For Dysphagia In Oropharyngeal Phase
Question: My pulmonologist diagnosed a patient with nasopharyngeal carcinoma status post r...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Lose Lower Respiratory Infection In Translation
Question: What is the ICD-9 for lower respiratory infection?Answer: No "catchall" ICD-9 co...
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Reader Questions:
Walking Oximetry vs. 6-Minute Walk
Question: Medicare never pays us for walking oximetry. For instance, if we have a visit an...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Forget: 31622 Includes Cell Washing
Question: My pulmonologist performed a bronchoscopy, wash, brush, and multiple tracheal as...
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You Be the Coder:
94640 Goes With Intent To Treat Obstruction
Question: An established patient with emphysema presents the office complaining of shortne...
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Available Years: