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Pulmonology Coding Alert
Pulmonology Coding Alert
Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 12
CPT 2011:
Rejoice: You Can Report Home Sleep Studies Type III and IV with 95800, 95801
Check out this new bronchoscopy with balloon occlusion code. If you perform sleep studies...
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Pulmonary Stress Test:
94620, 94621 Take the Stress Out of Walk Test Coding
Ensure the presence of a physician when conducting these tests. If you find it hard to dif...
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Medicare Update:
90658: Ready To Bow Out in Favor of New Flu Vaccine HCPCS Codes
You have until December 31 to submit your 90658 claims. Beginning Jan. 1, you can forget a...
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Reader Questions:
G9141 For H1N1 Immunization Purposes
Question: I heard we can use G codes for Medicare H1N1 vaccination. What are they, and ho...
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Reader Questions:
493.9 Must Be a Clear Asthmatic Croup
Question: The physician diagnosed a six-month-old patient with croup. The mom describes t...
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Reader Questions:
86580 Without E/M For Your TB Test
Question: Should I code an office visit with PPD (TB test)? Answer: No. There is no actua...
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Reader Questions:
98961-98962, Not Synonymous With PR Educational Services
Question: We have recently started our pulmonary rehab department in our physician's clin...
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Reader Questions:
Support Your PSG Repeat Test With Documentation
Question: How often can I bill for polysomnography (95811) when the initial testing is in...
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You Be the Coder:
Avoid Submitting 95810 and 95811 Together
Question: My pulmonologist performed only the interpretation component of a split-night p...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 11
Vent Management Care:
94002-94003:3 Signals Point You to Encounter Note Gems
Higher level E/M pays more than vent management; don't lose out on the potential $221.When...
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Pulmonary Procedure:
94664: Have You Mastered the Do's and Don'ts of Inhaler Service Claims?
Inhaler demo could pay you $14 or more -- if you know how to navigate the rules.Three...
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Incident To:
Incident To: Cull Out Deserving Dollars Following 3 Guidelines
Physician's authorization of NPP's services is a rule you can't miss.The Centers for Medic...
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Reader Questions:
997.31 Makes Its Way to Respiratory Complications Coding
Question: A nursing home patient who has been dependent on ventilator was brought to the o...
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Reader Questions:
511.81 Links to 32422 for Malignant Pleural Effusion Care
Question: The pulmonologist visits with a patient with malignant cancer of the main bronch...
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Reader Questions:
PQRI 101: Can We Claim for Smoking Cessation?
Question: How can our practice benefit from Physician Quality Reporting Initiative's (PQRI...
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Reader Questions:
99406 Guarantees Cessation Counseling Pay
Question: The pulmonologist-referred preventive care physician spent 10 minutes counseling...
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Reader Questions:
780.51 Isn't Complete for Sleep Apnea Service
Question: The pulmonologist performs a level-three E/M on a patient with sleep issues. The...
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Reader Questions:
415.x or 401.x: Decide Between Essential and Pulmonary Hypertension
Question: Should I report both essential hypertension and pulmonary hypertension together?...
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Reader Questions:
32421-32422 and 32551 Translate to Pleural Effusion Treatment
Question: I'm not sure I know what a pleural effusion is. How does the physician treat it?...
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You Be the Coder:
94005 Answers Your Home Vent Service Dilemma
Question: How do I code home ventilator management?Nebraska SubscriberAnswer: You would re...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 10
CCI Edits:
CCI 16.3 Highlights Pulmonary Rehab with Mutually and NME Edits
Uncover which of the 150 NMEs won't unbundle with any modifier.If you commonly report pulm...
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493.2x Can Be Confusing Without the Right Documentation
When does status asthmaticus supercede COPD? Find out. Your physician's notes may ...
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News You Can Use:
G Codes Offer Smooth Transition to CMS Final Rule
Support your PR program with diagnosis of moderate to severe COPD.The passing of CMS' fina...
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Reader Questions:
94640 + J Code: Go Full Circle with Albuterol Treatment
Question: My pulmonologist performed an albuterol treatment in the office. Can I bill for ...
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Reader Questions:
99221-99223 Rules Out Your Consultation Codes Options
Question: A patient presented in the office for asthma exacerbation, but got admitted the ...
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Reader Questions:
31620: Code EBUS Freely with Bronchoscopy Procedures
Question: A patient undergoes a routine bronchoscopy. When the pulmonologist discovers a v...
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Reader Questions:
94660 Resolves Your Ventilation Dilemma
Question: The pulmonologist sees a hospital inpatient suffering from pulmolithiasis. The n...
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Reader Questions:
99214: Take into Account Discussion with Patient
Question: As a pulmonologist and sleep specialist, I spend a lot of time discussing manage...
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Reader Questions:
20552: Watch Medication Amounts for Rib TPI
Question: My pulmonologist injected Xylocaine and Solu-Medrol into a patient's rib cage. H...
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Reader Questions:
90656 and 90658 Are Handy When Reporting Flu Vaccine Supply
Question: How should I report flu vaccine supply? Hawaii SubscriberAnswer: You'd have to c...
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You Be the Coder:
31623, 31624 and 31628 Secure Your Multiple Bronchoscopy Coding
Question: If I used the bronchoscopy codes 31628, 31623, and 31624 together in a claim, wo...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 9
Ventilation Study Coding:
Highlight This Give-Away Lingo for Proper V/Q Test Coding
Distinguish perfusion scans by reading between the lines. Here's how. Coding perfusion an...
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Coding Scenario:
Equip Yourself with Solid Spirometry Coding Options
Find out why E/M + modifier 25 is not a solid equation. When you're coding for spirometry...
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Let Time Define Your Pulmonary Embolism Coding
Acute or chronic? Count the ways! Facing the task of reporting pulmonary embolism can be ...
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Reader Questions:
Shedding Light on Hospital Care Coding
Question: My pulmonologist writes a short admit note with a problemfocused history of pre...
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Reader Questions:
Differentiate Between PPD TB Test and Vaccination
Question: The staff in my office applies a purified protein derivative (PPD) tuberculosis...
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Reader Questions:
Look for Causes Before Coding Sleep Apnea
Question: What ICD-9 code should I report when the pulmonologist performs a level-two E/M...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Equate New Physician with New Patient
Question: We have a new pulmonologist in our group whose patients from his previous group...
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Reader Questions:
Work Your Way Through Different Types of Asthma
Question: What is the ICD-9 code for mild, intermittent asthma? New Hampshire Subscriber ...
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You Be the Coder:
Manage Your 94660 Coding Carefully
Question: We are billing a recurring office visit code (99211\"99215) with 94660 on the s...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 8
Sleep Study:
3 Tips Accelerate Your Actigraphy Coding Claims
Leaving off this key modifier could mean a disaster.Last year, you saw the introduction of...
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ICD-9 Coding:
Heed These 3 Essential Warnings When Using E-Codes
Find out how E codes help insurance companies on injury prevention and safety issues.If yo...
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Test Yourself with Real-Life Modifier 25 Scenarios
Do you have the same coding conclusions as our experts?As you may already know, you have t...
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Check Out This Pulmonolgy-Specific Modifier 25 Example
Your pulmonologist sees Mrs. Jones in the office and gives her a nebulizer treatment in th...
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Reader Questions:
Conditions Bind Billing E/M, Procedure on the Same Day
Question:Can you, at any time during an outpatient bronchoscopy, bill an E/M outside of a ...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid 2 Pulmonologist Reporting Same-Day Critical Care
Question:A pulmonologist in our practice saw a patient in the morning for critical care. I...
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Reader Questions:
Include As Many Bronchoscopy Codes -- If Necessary
Question:Codes 31628, 31624, and 31624 are all for bronchoscopy procedures. Will payers de...
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Reader Questions:
Follow PQRI Rules to the Letter
Question:Does e-prescribing require entry of all of a patient's medications into an electr...
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Reader Questions:
Focus on Single Diagnosis During E/M Encounter
Question:My pulmonologist sees an established patient who complains of trouble in breathin...
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Reader Questions:
When Does Moderate Sedation Fit?
Question:The pulmonologist performs a scheduled flexible bronchoscopy on an established 64...
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Reader Question:
Make COPD Diagnosis Codes Work to Your Advantage
Question:My pulmonologist documents both COPD and acute bronchitis for a patient who prese...
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You Be the Coder:
Don't Confuse 96401 with 96372 for Xolair Administration
Question:We just gave our first Xolair injection recently. The patient had the drug shippe...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 7
Surgery Coding:
Avoid Making Critical Mistakes When Coding Lung Volume Reduction Surgeries
Code 32491's descriptor eliminates the need to ever use modifiers 50, 52.Billing for lung ...
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What Don't You Know About Thoracoscopy Coding Could Hurt Your Claims
Diagnostic scopes do not always translate to 32601. Find out why.Whether it's internally i...
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News You Can Use:
Category III Codes: Keep Pace With Emerging Technologies
New codes on PFT, wheeze rating, and bronchial valve take the stage in 2011.Brace yourself...
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Reader Questions:
Employ CPT Where It Is Helpful
Question: I heard that most pulmonologists do not allow the use of cardiopulmonary therapy...
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Reader Questions:
Charge E/M by Therapist, But Not Separately
Question: A respiratory therapist in our practice provided E/M to a patient. Can we bill f...
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Reader Questions:
Shoot for 94249 to Determine Lung Volume, Capacity
Question: What is the CPT for lung volumes by nitrogen wash out? Tell me more about how it...
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Reader Questions:
Give Albuterol Treatment a Go With 94660
Question: Please help me with the coding of a nebulizer packet and abuterol treatment that...
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Reader Questions:
Avoid Hitting a Dead End on BAL
Question: My physician is performing bronchial alveolar lavage (BAL) and biopsy through th...
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Reader Questions:
Clarify Temp Services Using Modifier Q6
Question: Our regular pulmonologist is taking some time off, and a temporary pulmonologist...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Leave Out Modifier 59 For Separate Spirometry
Question: An elder patient who walked several blocks to our practice presented with dyspne...
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You Be the Coder:
CMS Pays for Echocardiography on Various Diagnoses
Question: I often have to bill 93306 for pulmonologists in our practice. What are the paya...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 6
Case Study:
Bronchoscopy + Thoracotomy: Look For This Exception to the CCI Rule
Don't even think about appending modifier 51 to 38746 -- here's why.Rarely do broncho...
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Coding Quiz:
2 Factors Make a Difference in Thoracentesis Coding
Misunderstanding physician's notes can cost your practice $38 per procedure.Don't shortcha...
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Apply 3 Add-On Code Tips To Ensure Payable Claims
Never leave "add-ons" hanging without a primary procedure.Like it or not, "add-on" (ZZZ) c...
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Coding Quiz Answers:
Draw the Line Between 32421 and 32422 Using Physician Notes as a Tool
Tip: Syringe and catheter play important roles.Thoracentesis helps to diagnose or to treat...
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Reader questions:
Use 31502 for Unestablished Trachestomy Track
Question: If a pulmonologist performs a trach change, should I report 31502? How about app...
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Reader questions:
Understand Issues Surrounding 76000
Question: Our pulmonologist performs a fluoroscopic "sniff" test for evaluation of the dia...
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Reader questions :
Align 94667 with Mandatory Hands-On Therapy
Question: Can I use 94667 and 94668 for showing a patient how to use a flutter valve? In o...
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You be the coder:
Peek Into Thoracentesis with Imaging-Capable Ultrasound
Question: My pulmonologist uses ultrasound to assess the presence and size of a pleural ef...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 5
Is Your Sleep Study Unattended? The Answer Could Cost You.
The patient may or may not be awake when you report 95805 -- find out why.Coding slee...
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Coding Quiz; Coding Quiz:
Examine 3 Scenarios to Lock Down Ventilator Management
Careful: You should always bundle ventilator management codes with E/M.Keep your encounter...
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Modifier Guidelines:
Master Your Pulmonology Modifier 59 Use with 4 Guidelines
Make sure you adhere to the correct criteria or suffer being 'red flagged.'A modifier in t...
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Ventilator Management Solutions:
Coding Quiz Answers: Inch Your Way into Proper Ventilator Management Coding
Tip: Present providers with better-paying codes.All the mix and match of coding ventilator...
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Reader Questions:
Don't Lump Colds and Flu into One Test Option
Question: A patient presents with acute sinusitis and an upper respiratory infection that ...
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Reader Questions:
Skip Unspecified Asthma Code
Question: My allergist's notes state, "A history of asthma-induced bronchitis." Does this ...
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You Be the Coder:
Check Asthma Before Coding for WARI
Question: I'm confused about acute bronchospasm (519.11). I heard you can simply bill 786....
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 4
Perfect Your Pulse Oximetry Claims by Asking 3 Questions
Don't let the almost $30 payment for technical services slip out of your pocket. Think co...
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3 Hints Untangle Your Cystic 3 Hints Untangle Your Cystic
Patient has pneumonia, too? Use a diagnosis code that extends to the fifth digit. If you'...
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How Much ROS Documentation Is Enough?
Caution: Keep enough paperwork on hand to back up EHR. Transitioning to the world of Elec...
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Reader Questions:
Collect Your Payment When You Discharge a Patient
Question: Who can bill the 99238 discharge on a Medicare patient? Does it have to be the ...
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Reader Questions:
Check CCI Edits for Office Visit
Question: A payer denied our claim for an established patient office visit in addition to...
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Reader Questions:
Get Paid for 94760 Based on Its Physician Fee Schedule Status
Question: My practice has just started to bill pulmonary function tests (PFTs). In one ca...
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Reader Questions:
Distinguish Routine Cell Washings from BAL Washings
Question: A pulmonologist performed electrocautery resection of endobronchial tumor, had ...
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Reader Questions:
Unclog Confusion When Coding Bronchitis
Question: If the doctor says "acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis," wouldn't it be b...
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You Be the Coder:
Opt for Standard Bronchoscopy When Performed via ETT
Question: My pulmonologist performed a bronchoscopy on a burn victim through an endotrach...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 3
Billing Tracheostomy Tube Changes? 5 Pitfalls Help You Prevent Errors
Examine your place of service before submitting 31899 and A4629.Coding a tracheostomy tube...
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5 Pulmonary Rehabilitation Tips Bring You Up-to-Date with New PR Coverage
Learn why you need to strike the 97000 series off your list.As of Jan. 1, legislation for ...
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Don't Use Consultation Codes for Medicare in 2010
Find out how much CMS has raised payment for other E/M codes.The inevitable has happened&n...
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News You Can Use:
Feds Save Your Conversion Factor Rate -- For Now
Also: Here's why you shouldn't freak out if your MAC payments are a bit late.Remember that...
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Reader Questions:
Look Away from Coding Generalized Bronchitis
Question: I used 491.9 to report a patient's bronchitis, but the payer denied my claim and...
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Reader Questions:
Forget About Coding for Home Therapy
Question: A pulmonologist orders home chest physiotherapy (CPT) by a respiratory therapis...
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You Be the Coder:
Turn to 94799 for HeO2 Administration
Question: What is the code for the administration of Heliox therapy to a patient in the IC...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 2
Breathe Easy Submitting Your Pulmonary Stress Test Claims by Highlighting These 94620, 94621 Differences
Find out what blood-draw and analysis codes you can report separately. Pulmonary stress t...
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Coding Quiz:
Take This PST and Spirometry Challenge
Deal with a patient's dyspnea on and off exercise. Not sure if you've absorbed the pulmon...
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Set the Record Straight:
Diagnosis Code Options for COPD
What your pulmonologist writes in the documentation matters. The pulmonologist's document...
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Coding Quiz Answer:
Adhere to PST Medical Necessity
Declare your spirometry code distinct. Did you use modifier 59 (Distinct procedural servi...
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Save Time by Managing the Generic Supply Code 99070
Improve supply payback with 5 requirements. You might think that you can use 99070 as a c...
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Lay Out the Right Bronchoscopy Code for 31600
Question: What code should I report for a bronchoscopy if the pulmonologist was scheduled...
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Separate Sleep Study From Your H&P Coding
Question: If a nurse practitioner (NP) performed an H&P (history and physical ex...
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Modifier TC Makes or Breaks Your PFT Reporting
Question: I've heard that a pulmonary function test (PFT) needs to have a physician inter...
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Nurse Code Calls for Face-to-Face Encounter
Question: A pulmonologist reviews lab test results and orders additional testing and medi...
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Look for Sequential Skin Testing on 95024 Vs. 95027
Question: What is the difference between 95024 and 95027 to use for reporting skin testin...
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You Be the Coder :
Don't Miss Out on Fifth Digit Asthma Diagnosis
Question: Do I need a fifth digit when reporting 493.xx (Asthma)? Michigan Subscriber Ans...
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Pulmonology Coding Alert - 2010; Volume 11, Number 1
5 Telltale Signs Mark the Way to Hassle-Free Septic Embolism Reporting
Pick out the right diagnosis based on the disease's origin. Still feeling your way into t...
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You Be the Code:
Avoid Complications of ENB Billing With 31627
Question: A patient presents to the pulmonologist for possible lung cancer. The pulmonolo...
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Hail to the Chief -- Complaint
Chief complaint need not be at the very top of the note, but the physician must state it ...
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Coding Quiz:
Try Your Hand at This Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Challenge
31622's everyday function may surprise you. If you're fuzzy on bronchoscopy coding basics...
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Coding Quiz Answers:
Get Through Diagnostic Bronchoscopy Coding Without Hassles
Stick with the basics if you'd like a squeaky clean claim. What do you have to say from t...
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Rest Home Visit vs. CPO
Question: A physician evaluates a new patient in an assisted living facility for hyperten...
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Critical Care Doesn't Always Mean Hospital
Question: My physician documented that he performed critical care services for a patient ...
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Watch Carrier Rules for 94760 + E/M
Question: Can I get paid by Medicare carriers for 94760 with any E/M code? Maine Subscrib...
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Use 'Specialist Opinion' Code for Non-Physician Referrals
Question: What is the appropriate E/M code for a pulmonary consultation with pre- and pos...
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Confused About TB Skin Test? Look at a Patient's Symptoms
Question: I'm not sure which diagnosis code to use with 86580 when billing for a PPD on a...
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Look to Distinction for Modifiers 25, 59
Question: When appending modifiers with E/M service during a pulmonary function test (PFT...
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Shoot for Unlisted Procedure in MIPs, MEPs
Question: What code applies for MIP (maximal inspiratory pressure) and MEP (maximal expir...
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Qualify Pulmonary Quantitative Study Separately From PFT
Question: When do I use 78596 for complete PFT? Washington Subscriber Answer: Code 78596 ...
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Give Nebulizer Use Fair Treatment With J Code Inclusion
Question: I have no idea how to report albuterol treatment in an office. Is the procedure...
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Available Years: