Psychiatry Coding Alert

CPT® Coding Strategies:
Improve Your Group Psychotherapy Claims Using This Expert Advice
Hint: Use G codes for Medicare patients in partial hospitalization programs. When your... Read more
News You Can Use:
Watch Out! These E/M Coding Errors Could be Tripping Up Your Claims
CMS finds improper E/M payment rate to a tune of 14.0 percent. Don’t forget to c... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Observe Simplified Reporting For Delusional Disorder With F22
Hint: List of exclusions is similar to ones used in ICD-9. When reporting a diagnosis ... Read more
Reader Question:
Reporting Same Session 99407 and E/M? Can This be Done?
Question: I am billing 99407 with 99213 and getting denials. I have used the modifier 25... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Appropriate Modifier Use For Unbundled CPT7reg Codes
Question: If I cannot find my two codes paired together in the CCI edits, how do I know ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Planning on EMDR? Check With Your Payer First
Question: We have this new psychiatrist who plans on performing EMDR to patients sufferi... Read more
CPT® Coding Strategies:
Put Your ECT Reporting on Track With This Guidance
Hint: Don’t report the pre-treatment evaluation with an E/M code as a norm. When... Read more
Know What RACs Are Looking For in Your E/M Reports
You could be the next target for audits by overlooking these common errors. While repo... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Hit Your BDD Dx Target With F45.22
Hint: Use different diagnosis code for delusional dysmorphophobia. When reporting a di... Read more
Reader Question:
Know the Components of a Psychiatry-Specific ROS
Question: I am new to psychiatry coding. As psychiatry coding is now allowing the use of... Read more
Reader Question:
Select The Right Code For Same Day Admission and Discharge
Question: One of our physicians admitted a patient to the hospital at 10:30 a.m., and la... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Don't Expect Separate Hospital Reimbursement For 96103
Question: The question is in regards to CPT® code 96103 and a hospital sight of serv... Read more
CPT® 2014 Update:
Update Your E/M Code Lists With New Interprofessional E/M Codes in 2014
Plus: Don’t forget to add the new Category II codes to existing PQRS measures. W... Read more
Physician Signatures:
3 Tips Highlight Signature Rules and Exceptions
Analyze CMS’s requirements or you risk the wrong use of signatures. If you&rsquo... Read more
Clip and Save:
Consider This Sample Signature Attestation Lingo
Novitas Solutions, the Part B MAC for eight states, says that although CMS does not requ... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Cheer for a Simple One-to-One Transition For Postconcussion Syndrome
Don’t forget: Use additional code to report post-traumatic headache, if present. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When Marital Counseling is a Covered Diagnosis
Question: If our psychiatrist is providing therapy for a husband and wife, how do I repo... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Time When Clinician Discusses Treatment Options
Question: My psychiatrist did a counseling session with the parents of a minor regarding... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Symptoms To Support Tests When Final Diagnosis is Unavailable
Question: I’ve been told that if the treating physician orders a test based on a s... Read more
Reader Question:
Note That Provider is Responsible Irrespective of Who Chooses E/M
Question: One of our psychiatrists allows his medical assistant to choose his E/M codes.... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Reporting Higher E/M Code for Suicidal Patients? Not so Fast
Question: Our psychiatrist performed an E/M service and noted suicidal ideation during t... Read more
CPT® 2014 Update:
Add New E/M Consult Codes to Your Coding Arsenal
Good news: Common TCM guidelines will rid confusion while reporting transitional care. ... Read more
CCI 19.3 Update:
Reporting Telehealth Pharma Management With Psychiatry Codes? Not So Fast
Don’t forget to check modifier indicator to see if you can override bundling. If... Read more
Back to Basics:
Discern Between New vs. Established Codes by Using The 3-Year Rule
Hint: The place of service won’t be the deciding factor. Whenever you are report... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Get Better Specificity For Schizoaffective Disorder With F25
More options will now help describe the diagnosis accurately. When your psychiatrist a... Read more
Reader Question:
Report Two Face-to-Face Encounters
Question: Our psychiatrist saw a patient in the office, and then admitted her to the hos... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Forget to Document Who Makes Amendments
Question: If and when the patient’s electronic health medical records needs to be ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check CCI Edits For Epidurals and E/M Depending on DOS
Question: I have provided continuous epidurals for my patient and injected different con... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Ace Your Psychodiagnostic Evaluation Reporting With This Advice
Hint: New guidelines allow reporting more than one unit of 90792 for extended evaluation... Read more
Key Elements:
Get the Deserved Reimbursement by Selecting Appropriate E/M Guidelines
Hint: You don’t have to select the same E/M guidelines for every encounter. Whil... Read more
Clip and Save:
Keep This Chart Handy to Determine Exam Levels Accurately
Select the guidelines that will carry the best advantage to your coding. With two sets... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Enjoy Clear Distinction for Rett's Syndrome With F84.2
If your psychiatrist specializes in treating patients with childhood developmental or di... Read more
Reader Question:
Thinking of Reporting 90791 and 90792? Not so Fast
Question: A psychiatrist from our practice saw a patient first and performed an initial... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Planning Reporting Crisis Management With Psychodiagnostic Evaluation? Think Again
Question: Our psychiatrist recently reviewed a patient for depression. He conducted a th... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Get on Top of Your Diagnostic Evaluation Coding With This Guidance
Look out for opportunities where you can add an interactive complexity component. When... Read more
Money Matters:
Differentiate Between Individual and Group PQRS Reporting to Ethically Boost Your Bonus
Hint: Use number of providers in your group to cue into right options. If you are a mu... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Hold Fast to F44.1 For Dissociative Fugue Diagnosis
Hint: Fugue in epilepsy is captured with a different code. As we are slowly nearing th... Read more
Reader Question:
Thinking of +90785 With E/M? Not So Fast
Question: Our psychiatrist recently assessed a five-year-old boy for autistic disorder. ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Club E/M and Psychotherapy Services Provided
Question: If one of our psychiatrists is performing the evaluation and medication manage... Read more
Reader Question:
Know if Performance Measures Comply With Standard Measures
Question: My organization collects data on several performance measures such as length-o... Read more
Reader Question:
Follow EOB Specifics or You Might Land up in a Soup
Question: We have a patient who wants us to directly bill her allowable charges for a pr... Read more
Reader Question:
Know How Vital Signs Add up to Physical Examination
Question: Would you please explain how taking the vital signs contribute to determining ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Check if You Can Report 90792 For Assessing Change in Patient Status
Question: Our psychiatrist recently reviewed a patient for depression. The patient has b... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Get Paid Higher When Interactive Complexity Complicates Psychiatry Services
Hint: The add-on code for interactive complexity is not a time-based code. When your c... Read more
Key Elements:
Sift Through PFSH Details or Lose More Than $70 Per Encounter
Hint: Don’t forget including history captured in previous visits. If your psychi... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Rely On Separate Distinction for Asperger's Syndrome With F84.5
Single code removes the confusion of identifying active/residual states. When you begi... Read more
Reader Question:
Check Payer Rules When Handling Psychotherapy Services With E/M
Question: For all the patients seeking services in our psychiatry practice, we provide&n... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Use Therapy Codes For Evaluation Services
Question: When our psychiatrist sees a young patient, he’ll generally perform the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Patient Not Honoring ABN? Here's How to Get Them to Pay
Question: We have a patient who came for a service we knew Medicare wasn’t likely ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Consider Services Provided to Differentiate Between Crisis Psychotherapy and E/M
Question: I am new to psychiatry coding and am confused about a couple of the new codes ... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Segregate Time Components to Choose Appropriate Add-on Psychotherapy Code
Hint: Add minutes spent on services to family too. To accurately report the CPT® 2... Read more
E/M Key Elements:
Cash in on Higher Level E/M Opportunities With Thorough ROS Documentation
Hint: Enlighten your clinician about the importance of documenting negative responses. ... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
Ease Your Bulimia Nervosa Diagnoses with F50.2
Hint: Distinguish from anorexia nervosa of binge eating or purging type to nail the diag... Read more
Reader Question:
Avoid Confusion Over Separate Services by Different Specialists
Question: If a patient sees our psychiatrist to see if any changes in the drug regimen i... Read more
Reader Question:
Get Clarity on Billing Add-on Codes for Psychiatry
Question: I have been coding for our psychiatry practice for some years now and do not h... Read more
Reader Question:
Billing 90792 for All Clinicians? Not So Fast
Question: As clinical psychologists and clinical social workers are not allowed to repor... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Know When You can Bill More Than one Unit of 90791 or 90792
Question: Our psychiatrist will sometimes perform initial psychiatric diagnostic evaluat... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Count Minutes, Separate Services When Reporting Psychotherapy Codes
Hint: Don’t overlook services provided to the patient’s family. To correc... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
F34.1 Allows Smooth Sailing For Dysthymia
Hint: Check exclusions list to avoid wrong diagnosis. When your clinician diagnoses dy... Read more
Money Matters:
Use This 4-Prong Approach To Recoup Untapped Profits
Reduce the April 1 sequestration reduction pinch. If your practice is feeling the imp... Read more
Reader Question:
Base Pharmacological Management on Complexity of Service
Question: I understand that we now have to use an E/M code to report medication manageme... Read more
Reader Question:
Know When You Can Report Two Psychotherapy Codes For Same Patient
Question: If our psychiatrist sees a patient and performs psychotherapy for 45 minutes f... Read more
Reader Question:
Non-Par Medicaid? Charge the Patient
Question: We have recently had an influx of patients presenting with a commercial insura... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Adding Time Spent on Documentation? Think Again
Question: Our psychiatrist spends time before he meets any patient to review records and... Read more
CPT® 2013 Strategies:
Advice Helps You Apply New Crisis Psychotherapy Codes
Look at individual payer policies to confirm reimbursement for these codes. CPT® 2... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
F34.0 Allows Straightforward Crossover For Cyclothymia in ICD-10
Hint: The inclusions and exclusions lists are also similar to corresponding ICD-9 code. ... Read more
Use This 6 Step-Strategy To Cut "Ordering/Referring" Edit Losses
Tip: Have a look at your referring info or face reduced profits after May. If you have... Read more
Reader Question:
Tread Lightly With 90863 for Pharma Management
Question: I was earlier using 90862 for pharmacological management when our psychiatrist... Read more
Reader Question:
90792 or an E/M? Don't Get Confused
Question: When our psychiatrist sees a new patient and performs a psychodiagnostic evalu... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Initial Hospital Care Codes for Doctors From Different Specialties
Question: Doctor A admits patient from assisted care facility. Dr. B does the H & P ... Read more
Reader Question:
Account for Medical Necessity in E/M Code Selection
Question: Our psychiatrist is a very thorough documenter. Because he documents his EMR s... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Extremely Long Psychotherapy Sessions - Here's What You Need to Do
Question: Our psychiatrist has been conducting sessions that last more than one hour. Si... Read more
CPT 2013 Strategies:
Avert Payer Denials For New Psych Codes With These Pointers
Researching the new rules is the key. If coping with learning the new codes for psycho... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
F43.1 Enhances Reporting Options for PTSD
Hint: Don’t code diagnosis of adjustment disorder under F43.1. When you begin us... Read more
Practice Management:
Use This 8-Prong Approach To Successfully Hire The Right Coder
Half your concerns about billing will be reduced by finding the person that fits the bil... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand Patient Co-payment Subject to Outpatient Mental Health Treatment Limitation
Question: I am new to psychiatry coding having taken over the work at our psychiatrist&r... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Downcode to Receive Higher Reimbursement for Psychodiagnostic Evaluation
Question: I was going through the RVUs allocated to the newly introduced codes in psychi... Read more
Reader Question:
Document Variation of Your Provider's Signature
Question: We’re having trouble making sure our providers meet signature requiremen... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Differentiate the Use of Psychotherapy and Family Psychotherapy Codes
Question: The new codes for psychotherapy include time spent during psychotherapy with a... Read more
CCI 19.0 Update:
Pay Attention to These Psychotherapy Crisis Code Bundles
Hint: Check modifier indicators to see if bundles can be overridden. The new CPT® ... Read more
2013 Payment Update:
Fee Schedule Cut Reprieve Reduces Your Reimbursement Challenges--For Now
AMA is still pushing for a more permanent solution to the issue. If you were concerned... Read more
Brace for Increased Lookback Period For Medicare Overpayments
The recently passed ‘fiscal cliff’ legislation has added two more years to y... Read more
ICD-10 Update:
F84.0 Simplifies Autism Reporting in ICD-10
ICD-10 also reduces the list of exclusions for the condition. If your psychiatrist sp... Read more
Reader Question:
Assign Diagnosis Code For Sundowning Based on Causative Condition
Question: Our psychiatrist recently assessed a 55-year-old male patient and noted sundow... Read more
Reader Question:
Reporting Hypnotherapy Using E/M or Psychotherapy Codes? Not so Fast
Question: One of our new clinical psychologists performs hypnotherapy sessions for his p... Read more
Reader Question:
Think Alice in Wonderland Syndrome Doesn't Exist? Think Again
Question: Our psychiatrist recently made a diagnosis of Alice in Wonderland Syndrome. I ... Read more
Reader Question:
Double Ensure Patient Coverage Especially With New Insurance
Question: What caution and guidelines should I follow for a patient who has new coverage... Read more
Reader Question:
Expect Penalties for Illegible Handwriting
Question: I have heard payers are cracking down on illegible provider documentation. My ... Read more
You Be the Coder:
Base Psychotherapy Codes on Time, Not Place of Service
Question: The earlier code sets for psychotherapy depended on place of service (POS). Bu... Read more
Available Years:  2013  2012