Primary Care Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Remove These Codes from This FBR Encounter

Question: Using forceps and a needle, our provider recently removed a splinter from a patient’s foot. Can I use 10120, or would 28190 be more appropriate as it specifically refers to a removal from the foot without an incision?

Codify Subscriber

Answer: The key to this scenario lies in the term “incision.” The procedure you describe does not involve your provider making an incision, so 10120 (Incision and removal of foreign body, subcutaneous tissues; simple) would not be appropriate. Code 28190 (Removal of foreign body, foot; subcutaneous) does not specifically mention an incision, but it does refer to the depth that the foreign body is located in the patient’s foot, which is more than superficial.

You do not mention how deep your provider went to remove the splinter, but the fact that he or she removed the splinter with forceps and a needle, and not a scalpel, suggests that it was not deeply embedded in the foot. This, and the fact that the provider used a non-invasive procedure, suggests that you should code this encounter as a low-level evaluation and management (E/M) service from 99201-99215 (Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of a new/established patient …).