Primary Care Coding Alert


Remember Modifiers for Hospice Visits

Question: When our FP (who is a non-hospice provider) performs a medical visit at a hospice patient's home, how should I code the service? Medicare is denying these services as noncovered.

Georgia Subscriber

Answer: You should report home services (99341-99350) with the appropriate HCPCS modifier. For a home visit to a new patient, assign 99341-99345 (Home visit for the evaluation and management of a new patient -). When the physician treats an established patient at home, use 99347-99350 (Home visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient -).

Append the home service code with modifier GV or GW based on:

1. the condition the FP evaluates and manages
2. and whether the physician is a hospice provider.

Here's how: If the physician provides services related to the hospice patient's terminal condition, you should use modifier GV (Attending physician not employed or paid under arrangement by the patient's hospice provider).

Caution: Reserve modifier GV for cases in which the hospice service doesn't compensate the physician.

When the FP treats a patient for a condition that is unrelated to a terminal illness, you should assign modifier GW (Service not related to the hospice patient's terminal condition).

Important: You can use this modifier regardless of whether the physician works for the hospice. Also, be sure to list the patient's home as the place of service, and list the patient's address on the claim form.

Example: A physician sees an established patient who's on hospice for lung cancer to treat elevated blood pressure.

Because the physician treats the patient for a condition (high blood pressure) unrelated to his terminal illness (cancer), you should attach modifier GW to 99347-99350.

For the ICD-9 code, report the high blood pressure diagnosis (such as 401.1), rather than the cancer diagnosis (such as 197.0, Secondary malignant neoplasm of respiratory and digestive systems; lung). The physician's hospice status doesn't affect the modifier usage in this situation.