Primary Care Coding Alert

Reader Question:

Body Regions Involved Determines OMT Coding

Question: My family physician's (FP) chart states: "OMT to lumbar, sacral, leg and pelvic regions." Should I report 98925 x 4 for the procedures?

New Mexico Subscriber

Answer: The osteopathic manipulative treatment (OMT) codes (98925-98929) refer to body regions including cervical region, thoracic region, lumbar region, sacral region, pelvic region, lower extremities, upper extremities, rib cage region, abdomen and viscera region.
Don't use units to report multiple OMTs. You should instead report the code that reflects the number of body areas the physician treats. In your example, your FP treated four defined regions. So, you should report 98926 (Osteopathic manipulative treatment [OMT]; three to four body regions involved).

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