Primary Care Coding Alert

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Conversion Rate Gets Slight … and Temporary … Hike

Also ... if your MAC payments are coming in late, don't stress about it. Remember that huge cut to the conversion factor rate that was supposed to go into effect Jan. 1? It's been delayed ... which is good news for any practice that did not want their services devalued by almost 22 percent. CMS planned to downgrade your 2010 conversion factor by 21.29 percent, based on current law. Congress stepped in at the last minute, however, and voted to delay a decrease in the conversion factor until March 1. The $kinny: President Obama signed the temporary pay fix into law on Dec. 19. CMS subsequently issued MLN Matters article MM6796, which announced that due to RVU adjustments, the conversion factor during the twomonth temporary pay fix period would not remain at the 2009 level of $36.0666 but would instead rise two cents to $36.0846. Feds Still Working on Final [...]
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