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Primary Care Coding Alert
Primary Care Coding Alert
Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 12
CCI Edits 18.3:
Pay Special Attention to Suture Repairs, Pain Injections to Keep Coding on Track
Latest coding edits touch on some of your most common procedures. The latest Correct Codi...
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Get Your System Up to Speed With Latest Flu Vaccine Payments
Tip: Pay attention to codes with locally-controlled pricing. CMS released its annual upda...
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Train Docs to Note 'Right' or 'Left' for Future Impacted Cerumen Coding
The H61.2- family will have all your code choices. You know that certain requirements ...
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Reader Question:
No FBR? Append Modifier 52 to 10120 or 28190.
Question: A patient came to our office after stepping on a nail. He was afraid some mate...
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Reader Question:
Only Use E/M With G0438 for Separate Problem
Question: One of our providers completed her first annual wellness visit for a patient. M...
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Reader Question:
Yes, Medical Assistant Can Choose Codes
Question: One of our physicians allows his medical assistant to choose his E/M codes. The...
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Reader Question:
Verify All Services, E/M Care for Modifier 25
Question: I don't think our office is using modifier 25 correctly. Does this get use...
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Reader Question:
Don't Bill 82270 or 82274 Until Patient Returns Hemocult Test
Question: I've always been told that if you give a patient a take-home hemocult test, tha...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding for Diabetes With Neuropathy
Question: The physician indicated the patient has diabetes complicated by peripheral neur...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 11
CPT® 2013:
Watch for Flu and Hepatitis B Vaccine Changes to Affect Your Coding in 2013
Plus: Here's your heads-up on some new options that won't be in the CPT® book yet.20...
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CPT® 2013:
Don't Miss These E/M Descriptor Updates That Will Affect Your NPPs
Heads up: 2013 also brings time assignments to some codes.Get ready for E/M coding changes...
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Check How Your Most Common Connective Tissue Diagnoses Could Change
Familiarize yourself now with a few codes that will have broader application. Your diagnos...
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Reader Question:
Choosing Between 715 and 716 for Knee Arthritis
Question: Our physician wrote "knee pain" and "arthritis left knee" as a diagnosis. Would ...
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Reader Question:
No Incision for Cyst Drainage Means No Code
Question: The PA found a cyst on a patient's labia during her pelvic screening (the patien...
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Reader Question:
Code 95117 for Two-Injection Visit
Question: A patient comes to our office once each week for allergy injections. The nurse a...
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Reader Question:
MD Isn't the Only One Who Can Gather Patient History
Question: Is the physician the only person who can take a patient history, or can a nurse ...
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Reader Question:
Add E/M Care When Patient Visits Multiple Times in a Day
Question: Two family physicians from our group saw the same patient in the office at diffe...
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Reader Question:
Append Modifier Q6 for NP Services Under Locum Tenens
Question: One of our physicians will be away for eight weeks. She has made locum tenens ...
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Reader Question:
401-405 or 272.x Can Help Justify 36415
Question: Some of our Medicare patients want to drop by and have blood drawn so that when ...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Peanut Butter Allergic Reaction
Question: What do you recommend as the most specific E code for anaphylaxis reaction to pe...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 10
CPT® Coding:
2013 Might Bring More User Friendly Coding for Vaccines and E/M
Here's your sneak peek at proposed 2013 code changes.If you've ever wished for a list of a...
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2013 Fee Schedule:
Look Forward to a Possible Seven Percent FP Medicare Pay Boost
Heads up: New payments for hospital transitions could further pad your bottom line.CMS pub...
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Preventive Care:
Focus on 3 Areas for CVD Behavior Therapy Claims Success
Hint: CMS call outlines exactly what to do. Medicare added five preventive services t...
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Verify Whether You're Coding Tenderness or Rebound Tenderness of the Abdomen
Type of pain, quadrant affected will still be crucial in the new code system.If a patient ...
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Reader Question:
Carrier LCD Guides Whether to Expect Pay for J7325
Question: One of our Medicare patients receives knee injections for her arthritis. She's i...
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Reader Question:
Check for Extra Service Before Reporting Dressing Change
Question: Our family physician performed a dressing change for a patient who had an absces...
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Reader Question:
Watch Dosage Amount to Select Between J1070 and J1080
Question: What is the correct way to bill J1080? Florida SubscriberAnswer: Code J1080 (Inj...
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Reader Question:
Report 99238 or 99239 for Most Newborn Discharge Services
Question: What code covers a newborn hospital discharge?Arizona SubscriberAnswer: CPT...
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Reader Question:
Yes, You Can Sometimes Bill 28470 and 29405 Together
Question: Is it appropriate to bill 28470 with 29405? I don't quite understand what 28470 ...
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Reader Question:
Phone Call Billing? Here's What Justifies 99441-99443
Question: A patient called during the weekend and left a message for our physician asking ...
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Reader Question:
Include Prescriptions in E/M Service
Question: My physician heard that there's a code we can report and be paid for just when h...
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You Be the Coder:
Take Note of Supplies Insurers Won't Cover
Question: Can our physician's office bill a syringe code with a vaccine administration cod...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 9
CCI 18.2:
Check These New Vaccine Administration Edits
Be careful: Some codes switch from acceptable to non-reportable.You now have more details ...
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Start Thinking About 'Cause' for Future Acute Bronchitis Coding
Heads up: Single ICD-9 code transforms to ten codes in ICD-10. You'll face big cha...
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News You Can Use:
Supreme Court Upholds ACA Legality: Here's What You Might Expect
Experts weigh in on how ACA could affect family physician groups.The nation has been buzzi...
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Reader Question:
Fracture Care Can Apply, Even Without Manipulation or Follow-Up
Question: Our physician saw a patient for a non-displaced tarsal bone fracture, which did ...
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Reader Question:
Confirm Atrophy Before Assigning 728.2
Question: A three-month old was diagnosed with decreased strength and motion in her left a...
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Reader Question:
Beware of Billing Office Visit With Vaccine
Question: Our physician tried to bill an office visit (99213) along with codes for a vac...
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Reader Question:
Pull Out ABN for Benign Lesion Excisions
Question: Our state Medicaid doesn't cover benign lesion excisions, but we don't know it's...
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Reader Question:
Take Into Account Mole Removal's Location, Size
Question: I can't seem to fit \"removal of mole\" with any of the existing CPT® ...
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You Be the Coder:
Best Choices for Asthma Education
Question: What's the best code to submit when one of our providers offers asthma education...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 8
3-Step Guide Shores Up Your Coding for Strapping
Hint: Knowing materials helps narrow your selection. Strapping might seem like a simple tr...
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Sunburn Care:
Resolve Your E/M or 16000 Quandaries With Physician Documentation
Burn treatment and level of care streamlines your coding options.Just because a patient di...
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E/M Coding:
Stymied by '95 or '97 Guidelines? How You Count Steers You Down the Right Path
Physical exam element can point you to the better set.Choosing whether to follow the 1995 ...
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Acute Laryngitis Remains Easy Coding With J04.0 in ICD-10
Look how many conditions the code will represent when ICD-10 goes into effect.Diagnosis co...
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Reader Question:
Scrutinize the Preventive Care to Determine if Modifier 33 Applies
Question: Some of our payers deny claims with modifier 33 because they state the modifier ...
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Reader Question:
Dig into Specifics Before Reimbursing Tertiary Insurer
Question: One of our patients has Medicare as her primary insurance and Gerber Life as sec...
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Reader Question:
TB Test Follow-Up Charge Could Depend on Result
Question: Do we include modifier 25 when a TB test is administered during an office visit?...
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Reader Question:
Check Your Contracts for Specialized Lab Test Billing
Question: Our physician has been running some very specific tests (saliva, stool, heavy to...
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Reader Question:
Stick to the Details to Separate 36415 from 36416
Question: Can we bill separately for 36416, or is the collection included in the E/M code?...
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You Be the Coder:
Differentiating EKG Services
Question: We own the EKG/ECG machine in our office. We know that 93000 is the global code ...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 7
Diagnosis Coding:
Ratchet Up Your E Code Know How to Clinch Medical Necessity, Fully Document Accidents and Injuries
Tip: Never list E codes as primary diagnoses. Accidents happen, and your physicians probab...
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E/M Coding:
Steer Clear of OIG Scrutiny With Pointers for Legitimate High-Level Codes
OIG report on 99214 and 99215 increase means you need to be extra careful. Reporting h...
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News Flash:
Get Your Physicians Enrolled In PECOS Before It's Too Late
Recent CMS proposal might boost primary care Medicaid pay.As most practices remember, the ...
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Look to Z85.038 For Personal History of Colon Cancer
Don't expect code descriptor changes when new system kicks off.A personal history of colon...
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Reader Question:
Document Incorrect Test in Physician Note, Patient Record
Question: The physician saw several patients on the same day with sore throat symptoms. Hi...
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Reader Question:
V07.4 Applies to Long Term Estrogen Use
Question: Does ICD-9 include a code for prolonged use of estrogen? Texas Subscriber Answer...
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Reader Question:
Documentation Drives 98960 or 99211 Choice for Education
Question: A patient with testosterone deficiency comes to our office for injections. After...
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Reader Question:
Ensure That Diagnosis Matches Patient's Condition
Question: When I bill Medicare for deep debridement (11042) using the diagnosis the physic...
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Reader Question:
Miss HPI and You'll Miss E/M Pay
Question: A new patient visited our office for evaluation for an epidermoid (sebaceous) cy...
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Reader Question:
Select 17110 for Wart Removal Without Cryo
Question: A patient presented with a plantar wart. The physician documented, "Dermatology ...
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Reader Question:
Base Contraception Diagnosis on Specifics
Question: One of our practitioners discussed sexual activity and contraception with an ado...
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You Be the Coder:
The Difference Between 36415 and Incident-To
Question: We have a repeated discussion in our office about whether we can bill 36415 (Col...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 6
Initial Visits:
Clear IPPE Billing Confusion With Straight Answers From CMS
Start with G0402 and confirm details from there. The initial preventive physical ex...
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Tool Helps Cover All Your Bases Before Coding IPPE
Here's your checklist of what providers must document. "The various components of the ...
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Here's Your 3-Step Prescription for G8553 Claims Success
Check filing dates and charge guidelines to smooth processing every time. HCPCS doesn'...
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Catch Potential Billing Slip-Ups With Internal Audits, Before an Outside Auditor Does
Starting with a baseline audit will set your practice up for success. Would your practi...
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Clarify Urosepsis Diagnosis Before Coding Under ICD-10
You won't find "urosepsis" terminology after October 2014. If your physician notes the ...
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Reader Question:
Distinguish Pain Killing Agents in Plantar Injections
Question: Our physician administers a lot of steroid injections and injections of anesthet...
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Reader Question:
Prolonged E/M is no Longer Restrictive to Physician Services
Question: How can we report prolonged face-to-face E/M services provided by our physician ...
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Reader Question:
Generic vs. Brand Name Won't Change Your J3301 Billing
Question: My doctor is using Kenalog 40 (NDC 0003029328) from Bristol Myers Squibb. He say...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding a Total Body Skin Check
Question: A patient with a history of skin cancer presented for a total body skin check. T...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 5
Test Yourself:
Check 3 Areas Before Choosing Your Ear Irrigation Code
69210 or E/M inclusion depends on service and provider. A patient visits your office,...
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Diabetes Management:
Follow These Simple Steps to Successful Diabetes Coding
Tip: Focus on diabetic complications related to current episode of care.Choosing the corre...
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Rural Health:
Follow the Updated Definition of "Privileged" Provider for Ordering Hospital Services
CMS clarifies Transmittal 72 regarding rehab, respiratory care referrals. If you work in a...
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Change to R04.0 for Epistaxis Under ICD-10
Plus: Remember right/left modifiers according to payer policy.Under ICD-9 rules, you have ...
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Reader Question:
Inexact ICD-9 Code? Refer to Closest Diagnosis Equivalent
Question: My family physician saw a patient for "ciliary dyskinesia." This condition occur...
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Reader Question:
Verify 2 Factors Before Choosing Hepatitis A Vaccine Code
Question: One of our payers has denied the second shot of a hepatitis A vaccine as a dupli...
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Reader Question:
Include V72.83 as Primary Diagnosis for Surgical Clearance
Question: What's the best CPT® code for a pre-operative clearance visit?Minneso...
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Reader Question:
Report 11740 for Draining Toe Nail Hematoma
Question: A patient visited our office because of a hematoma under her toe nail. The phy...
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Reader Question:
Methylcobalamin Takes You to J3490
Question: One of our physicians wants to order Methylcobalamin for a patient who cannot ha...
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Reader Question:
Failure to Thrive 779.34 or 783.41 Depends on Exact Age
Question: What diagnosis should we submit for a newborn who is not gaining enough weight?F...
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Reader Question:
Insurers May Require Bundling Same-Day E/M Services
Question: Can we bill two office visits on the same day? We reported 99214 twice for the s...
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You Be the Coder:
Coding Advice for F1-F9
Question: I've seen conflicting advice on whether to use finger and toe modifiers with rad...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 4
Family Practice Coding Alert:
Meet These 4 Must-Watch Criteria Before Filing an Incident-to Claim
Heads up: Skip these items and you'll be in the OIG's hot seat. Your family physician diag...
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Test Yourself:
Can You Confirm the Criteria for 'Additional Work Up' and 'Moderate' Decision Making?
Read our scenario and decide which way you'd code. Just because you code for your physicia...
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News and Notes:
Don't Miss the Latest Updates on Incentive Payment Program and ICD-10 Help
Plus: Rural health providers, check your listing for accuracy. If you have a physician or ...
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Prepare Now for Greatly Expanded Varicose Vein Diagnoses
Your coding options explode with ICD-10. When your family physician diagnoses varicose vei...
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Reader Question:
Evaluate Options for Best Answer to Split Admit/Discharge Scenario
Question: When you have a patient admitted by one physician, but a different physician dis...
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Reader Question:
Two Units of 87804 Is OK -- With the Correct Modifier
Question: A patient with only Medicaid coverage came to our office for a flu test. We bill...
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Reader Question:
Only Report G0403 for EKG as Part of IPPE
Question: Can we only bill a screening EKG with an IPPE (initial preventive physical exam)...
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Reader Question:
Overly Damaged Hair Could Mean 704.2
Question: A teenager came to our practice with a note saying she could not return to schoo...
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Reader Question:
B-12 Charge Hinges on Payer and Site of Service
Question: Our clinics frequently provide B-12 shots as stand-alone charges with no E/M cha...
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Reader Question:
Double Check Copay Early to Save Time, Money
Question: A patient came to our office with the same insurance card she's had for years. W...
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Reader Question:
Forget Modifier 55 for Suture Removal
Question: An established patient went to the emergency room in another state over the week...
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You Be the Coder:
Reason for DES Reporting Determines Diagnosis
Question: We have a new patient in our office whose mother took DES while pregnant. What i...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 3
CCI Update:
2012 Guideline Changes Could Alter How You Report Some Meds or Screenings
Tip: Double check before reporting G0396, G0397 with E/M services. You're probably accusto...
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Diagnosis Coding:
Tophi and Other Details Lead You to Correct Gout Choices
Heads up: ICD-10 will include many more options in 2013. A diagnosis of gout might seem si...
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Correcting Records? Follow These 5 Guidelines For Audit-Proof Corrections
Clarifying documentation can be a big help -- if used wisely.A long list of governmen...
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Watch for New Code Family J32.x for Chronic Sinusitis
Descriptors will add a fourth digit to specify location.Under the current ICD-9-CM code se...
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Reader question:
Prepare Wisely for Payer Fee Negotiations
Question: We're getting ready to begin contract renewal negotiations with one of our payer...
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Reader question:
Evaluate Your Diabetes Education Options
Question: Our physician and physician assistant are educating some patients on diabetes, e...
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Reader question:
Notes of 'No Fever' Go In ROS
Question: I have found information and heard at seminars conflicting information regarding...
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Reader question:
30300 Works for Nasal FBR Coding
Question: I'm a bit confused. When reporting a foreign body removal of the nose, would I u...
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Reader question:
Yes, Consult Codes Might Still Be Viable
Question: An established patient who was about to undergo a tonsillectomy presented to our...
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Reader question:
Check State Laws, Payer Rules Before Sending Patient to Collections
Question: I work in a physician's office handling the collection of past due copays, deduc...
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You Be the Coder:
Know the Ropes for Sick Evaluation During Well Visit
Question: When parents present with infants for regular health checkups at two, four, an...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 2
CCI 18.0:
Latest Edits Clarify TPI, Tendon Injections Override 100+ Other Procedures
Plus: 94150 'separate procedure' doesn't always mean separate coding. New...
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Worker's Compensation:
Choose the Most Advantageous Fee Schedule for Worker's Comp Claims
Checking schedules and avoiding multi-problem visits streamline your filing. Worker's comp...
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E/M Coding:
Stop Downcoding E/M Visits, and Add $56 to Your Bottom Line With These Tips
Trap: You might not only be losing revenue -- you're also coding improperly.National ...
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CPT® 2012:
Don't Miss Terminology Change in 96110, 96111
Developmental 'testing' changes to 'screening.' Focusing on new codes will help keep your ...
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Watch for Product, Addiction Clues for Nicotine Dependence Coding
Choices expand from 305.1 to F17.2-- beginning Oct. 1, 2013.When the family physician sees...
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Reader Question:
Remember Debridement Includes Dressings
Question: Can our practice be reimbursed for the surgical dressing (supplies) of a parti...
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Reader Question:
Inadequate Height Increase Could Lead to 783.43
Question: The physician documented that the patient has inadequate growth (in terms of his...
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Reader Question:
Choose 23650 Over 23655 for Local Anesthesia
Question: One of our physicians administered a shot of meperidine HCL while treating a sho...
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Reader Question:
No HPI Equals No Coding for New Patient
Question: A new patient visits the physician with a chief complaint. I don't have a review...
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Reader Question:
Remember V16.8 for Family Melanoma Risk
Question: Our physicians sometimes see patients who don't personally have malignant melano...
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You Be the Coder:
Differentiating a Self-Limited or Minor Problem
Question: An established patient saw the physician with a new complaint. Through the E/M, ...
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Family Practice Coding Alert - 2012; Volume 14, Number 1
CPT® 2012:
Don't Miss These Clarifications About New Patients and 'Qualified Healthcare Professional'
See how changes affect your use of 99201-99205, 99460-99461, and more. Coding guidelines c...
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2012 Physician Fee Schedule:
Good News: Expect More Flu Vaccine Reimbursement in 2012
Pay for 3 of your most common vaccine codes will rise. Your family physician should be smi...
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Workers' Compensation:
2 Tips Point You Toward Pain Free Workers' Compensation Billing
Get pertinent information before seeing the patient to avoid trouble when you start the bi...
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Ensure Compliance With Sinusitis' One-to-One Relationship For ICD-10
Code J32.x with a fourth digit to specify location.When following the ICD-9-CM code set, y...
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Reader Question:
J3490 Covers Used EpiPen® Kit in Office
Question: We used the EpiPen® kit in the office on a patient who experienced an alle...
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Reader Question:
Only Add Lacerations at Same Site and Level
Question: A patient with a 1.5-cm laceration on his eyebrow presented to our practice. Our...
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Reader Question:
Select E Code for Initial Fall Visit
Question: An established patient came to the office complaining of back pain related to a ...
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Reader Question:
Lack of History Can't Support Comprehensive Exam
Question: Our physician admitted someone as an initial inpatient, but couldn't get all her...
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Reader Question:
Don't Count On Pay for Anesthetic Before Injection
Question: We've had increasing problems billing and being paid for the medications we use ...
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Reader Question:
Stick With 86580 for TB Skin Test
Question: Can we bill for an administration fee or injection when giving a PPD test? Or is...
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Reader Question:
Extent of FBR Work Separates 10120 From 10121
Question: A patient had a head injury but could not have an MRI because of decorative st...
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You Be the Coder:
Can Counseling Bump Up Consult Codes?
Question: Our physician provides pre-op consultations for requesting surgeons. He complete...
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Available Years: