Practice Management Alert

Weigh Your Options Before Accepting Modifier Cuts

Dropping Horizon BCBS isn't the only way to avoid steep cuts. If your New Jersey practice participates with Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS), you'll have some difficult decisions to make if the policy change takes effect. Take a look at these options to see how your practice can overcome the impending modifier payment reductions. Option 1: Drop Coverage There has been talk by some practitioners of dropping their participating status with Horizon because of this change. If you don't agree with Horizon's decision, you have 30 days from the date of the notice to terminate your physician agreement. This won't be an easy choice, however, says Brian Fornutaro, a billing professional with Medi-corp in Cranford, NJ. "There might be cases that the group just cannot drop out, and groups that need to be in for certain situations," he says. BCBS's power in the market also makes this option unappealing, [...]
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