Practice Management Alert

Quick Quiz:

Do You Remember the 'Red Flags Rule' Requirements?

Test your identity theft prevention skills with these questions.Even though the Red Flags Rule enforcement did not go into effect on June 1 as anticipated, you should still be up to speed on protecting your patients (and your office staff) from identity theft. Practices should be doing what they can to put Red Flags Rule into practice as soon as possible for this protection and not wait for the enforcement date.Take this quiz to find out if you'll be ready when the rule goes into effect later this year.Answer These 3 Red Flags Rule QuestionsQuestion 1: What is the Red Flags Rule, and what does your office need to do to follow it?Question 2: True or false: If your practice already abides by HIPAA regulations, you don't need to take any additional action to comply with the Red Flags Rule.Question 3: Since Congress delayed putting the enforcement of the rule [...]
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