Practice Management Alert

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Avoid Legal and Financial Disaster By Getting Financial Hardship Agreements in Writing

Tailor these sample forms for your practice quickly and easily.

Every practice has dealt with it at one time or another, and if you haven't, you likely soon will -- patients with financial hardship who tell you they simply can't pay for services your providers render. If your practice will offer a financial hardship waiver or discount, make sure you get everything in writing first.

Use these sample forms, reviewed by Barbara Colburn, president/CEO of B.C. & Associates Management Corp., a Wisconsin-based healthcare consulting/billing organization, to begin setting up your practice's financial hardship documents and ensure you're not offering unwarranted discounts and waivers.

Subscriber bonus: For additional documents -- including a financial hardship application -- that your practice can use to create its own financial hardship package, please email the editor, Leesa A. Israel, CPC, CUC, CMBS, at with the subject line "Financial Hardship Packet."