Practice Management Alert

Billing 101:

Speed Up New Patient Data Capture With 5 Tips

A smart registration process can prevent claim-submission headaches. If you're trying to grow your practice, you'll need to have a logical, simple form to obtain data from your new patients. Not only is a new patient form valuable for gathering important insurance information, but it can help you find patients who owe your practice money and perform collection activities when the patient is present. If it's been a while since your practice updated its new patient registration form or you're creating one for the first time, follow these expert suggestions to make sure you can find patient billing information quickly and easily: 1. Keep the Form Simple Ask key questions on the patient information intake form that you require all new patients to fill out. Make sure you have basic demographic information such as: The policy name and number The insured's name Social Security number Dates of coverage Secondary-insurance information [...]
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