Practice Management Alert

Tips and Tricks:
Complete These Tasks Before 2021
Take advantage of the year winding down to prepare for 2021. The end of the year is an im... Read more
Stay Aware of These Agency Updates Related to COVID-19
Know how these federal announcements may impact your practice. With no immediate end in... Read more
Stay Alert to Latest Cyberattack Strategies
Be vigilant against attacks targeting healthcare businesses. Healthcare providers have ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Miss This Handy CPT® Code for PPE
Question: Can you offer some guidance on the new CPT® code for reporting additional pract... Read more
Reader Questions:
Remember to Update ABN Form
Question: How do I know whether I'm using the correct advanced beneficiary notice (ABN) fo... Read more
Reader Questions:
Note These Resources for Flu Season During a Pandemic
Question: We've been so slammed by COVID-19 that flu season has snuck up on us. Is there a... Read more
Reader Questions:
Resist Urge to Elbow Bump
Question: I've noticed that elbow bumps have replaced the handshake and high five and... Read more
Beware These New PRF Rules
If you received Provider Relief Funds, make sure you know these updates. The Department o... Read more
Medicare Part B Focus:
Keep On Top of These Medicare Basics
Don't let claims go unpaid due to misunderstanding complicated Medicare policies. Medicar... Read more
Consider These Rules for Mobile Devices
Keep rules simple and straightforward, but enforce them consistently. Many providers are ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Take These Steps Now for PRF Reporting
Question: Now that official Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) details are out ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Take These Steps Now for PRF Reporting
Question: Now that official Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) details are out ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check These ePHI Requirements
Question: Must electronic protected health information (ePHI) be encrypted to be compliant... Read more
Reader Questions:
Consult These Rules Before Selling Assets
Question: My organization has assets we'd like to sell, but their connected to the CARES A... Read more
Protect Employee Privacy While Testing
Enact a protective buffer for residents and staff without violating employee privacy. As ... Read more
Evaluation and Management Focus:
Look to Documentation to Prepare for 2021 — and Finish Out 2020
Clean claims should always be a priority. As folks settle into autumn, practices are both... Read more
Staff Management:
Use These Tips to Boost Effectiveness of Communication
Clear communication has never mattered more than right now. If you're a practice manager ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Bill for This COVID-19 Counseling
Question: Our practice is counseling a lot of Medicare beneficiaries about the importance ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don’t Bank on Telehealth Permanence — Yet
Question: Will the recent telehealth expansion rules expire when the public health emergen... Read more
Reader Questions:
Understand This Attack Term
Question: Our external information technology (IT) person sent an email to our practice wa... Read more
HR Corner:
Consider PTO Policy As Pandemic Continues
Use leave policies to balance staffing needs with morale and compliance. As COVID-19 infe... Read more
Think of Compliance Programs As an Investment
Hint: Write your policies with simplicity in mind so that everyone understands. Two main... Read more
Continue to Make PPE a Priority
Taking inventory of PPE may be a state or local mandate. Some aspects of infection contro... Read more
Reader Questions:
Use These Tips to Try to Avoid Claims Review
Question: Like many Medicare practices, we've taken advantage of the telehealth expan... Read more
Reader Questions:
Know Respirator Model Alternatives
Question: I know N95 respirators are the best model of respirator to use, but can we safel... Read more
Reader Questions:
Check This Incident-To Rule
Question: If our physician and nonphysician practitioner (NPP) are in contact over the pho... Read more
False Claims Act:
Beware Individual Risk for Litigation
Federal agencies are pursuing coders, billers, and practice managers under the False Claim... Read more
Billing and Reimbursement:
Claim All the Claims
Keep your business afloat by being meticulous during the pandemic. Many practitioners are... Read more
Payer Relations:
Consider These Points for Payer Contracts
Hint: Keep the pandemic and its effects in mind as you negotiate. Payer contract negotiat... Read more
Reader Questions:
Contacting Some Prior COVID-19 Patients May Not Violate HIPAA
Question: My practice has tested a lot of patients for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that ca... Read more
Reader Questions:
Maintain History and Exam Practices
Question: Since history and exam will no longer be key components for determining the leve... Read more
Reader Questions:
Anti-Kickback May Not Apply to This Charitable Act
Question: Hospitals and other healthcare entities in my city are experiencing a shortage o... Read more
Reader Questions:
Hold Others Accountable to Protect Public Health
Question: I am a physician who works in a small, private practice with just two other... Read more
Maximize Both Safety and Connection With PPE
Do some prep now to facilitate smoother interactions for people who depend on nonverbal cu... Read more
Reopening Amidst PHE:
Use These Tips to Resume In-Person Encounters Safely
You've thought of the big-picture elements, but don't forget these details. As states reo... Read more
Minimize Audit Risks With This Expert Advice
Focus on tightening these areas to reduce risk of audits. During the COVID-19 public heal... Read more
Reader Questions:
Follow No-Show Best Practices
Question: Our office has taken a financial hit since we've drastically reduced our ho... Read more
Reader Questions:
Meet These Standards for Comprehensive History
Question: If I have a chief complaint, an extended history of present illness (HPI), ... Read more
Reader Questions:
Don't Bill for Records Transfer
Question: Our practice discharged a patient due to non-payment, and one week later a new p... Read more
COVID-19 Relief:
See How Federal Help for Providers Really Shakes Out
Some providers may find that the relief isn't quite enough. The second wave of funding f... Read more
PHE and Finance:
Learn the Ins and Outs of Coronavirus Funding
Various funding legislation requires different rules — and things keep getting more comp... Read more
Compliance Quizzer:
Boost Your Understanding of Healthcare Financial Regulations
Hint: Although these laws are grouped together, their implications can be very different. ... Read more
Coronavirus Funding Relief:
Note These PPP Caveats
Read the fine print, experts advise. Many doctors' offices and other healthcare business... Read more
Compliance Quizzer:
Check Your Stark Law and Anti-Kickback Statute Knowledge Here
How does your understanding of these regulations compare to an expert's? 1. True. “Star... Read more
Reader Question:
Beware COVID-19-Related Phishing
Question: Even months into the COVID-19 pandemic, I still feel like it's kind of hard to c... Read more
Reader Question:
Find Clarity in Provider Relief Fund Requirements
Question: How do I know which information the Department of Health and Human Services... Read more
Telehealth Services:
Understand These Special Telehealth Regs for PHE
Pay attention to COVID-19-specific encounter and billing guidance. You may have seen that... Read more
Coding and Billing:
Code Medicare Telehealth Encounters Like This
Hint: The PHE expands access, but the de facto billing requirements don't change too much.... Read more
Virtual Encounters:
Focus on Empathy When Connecting with Patients
Use these tips for showcasing bedside manner through telehealth. Even though using techn... Read more
Virtual Encounters:
Keep This Virtual Services Primer Handy
The categories extend beyond telehealth and telemedicine. Understanding the nuts-and-bo... Read more
Reader Question:
Stay on Top of COVID-19 Code Changes
Question: What is the current guidance on coding a COVID-19 infection? Washington, D.C. S... Read more
Reader Question:
COVID-19 Medicare Changes May Become Permanent
Question: Are all these changes to telehealth and other forms of virtual medicine temporar... Read more
Infection Prevention and Control:
Know How to Screen Patients and Code COVID-19
If the disease hasn't affected your community yet, make your preparations now. U.S. exper... Read more
Prioritize Patient Privacy, Even During Emergencies
Bone up on which parts of the HIPAA Privacy Rule apply during a public health emergency. ... Read more
Best Practices:
Use These Tips for Managing a Business During an Outbreak
Keep your staff safe and your practice decontaminated. Making decisions about operations ... Read more
Medicare Focus:
Know These 2020 MIPS Nuances
Check out your stats to see if you may be exempt. Even though the Quality Payment Progra... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand Prolonged Exposure, HCP
Question: I work in a specialist's office, not a hospital, but I'm curious: What constitut... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand 'Bilateral' Procedures — but Know Code Guidance
Question: Do I need always need to use modifier 50 when choosing a code to represent a pro... Read more
Reader Question:
Understand This Shift in E/M Documentation
Question: Are there any major takeaways in the new evaluation/ management (E/M) changes re... Read more
Payers and Regulations:
Become More Familiar with These Telehealth Regs
Hint: Location matters more than you may think. The advent of telehealth is bringing heal... Read more
Glossary Boost:
Add These AI Terms to Your Vocabulary
Learn the basics now, as various forms of AI are incorporated into the healthcare industry... Read more
Best Practices:
Understand How Medical Nondisclosure Agreements Function
Hint: They may not offer the protections organizations count upon. Nondisclosure agreemen... Read more
Answer Key:
Check How you Matched Each Term to its Definition
Then keep this ready-made glossary handy if you think you may need to refer back. 1, G: U... Read more
Reader Question:
See This Difference Between Coding Systems
Question: I am new to practice management and am confused by the acronyms and modifiers us... Read more
Reader Question:
See Through this Common Preventive Service Myth
Question: My office saw a patient for a regular preventive visit but discovered an issue i... Read more
Reader Question:
Double-Check Status of MBI
Question: I've had a few claims rejected for Medicare patients, even though I know I have ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use These Safeguards for Patient Records
Question: A new front-desk staff member insists that our office is violating the Health In... Read more
Compliance Quizzer:
Refine Your Breach Reporting Knowledge
Hint: The categories of breach are pretty all-encompassing. You and your colleagues may b... Read more
Staffing Decisions:
Adjust Your Policies and Protocols for Remote Coders
Cross these t's and dot these i's before hiring a remote coder. Having a coder whose work... Read more
Compliance Quizzer:
Check Your Answers Here
Tip: Bolster your protocols for additional peace of mind. Answer 1: False. Not every... Read more
Reader Question:
Write a Form to Keep Credit Cards on File
Question: We recently had a consultant come in to evaluate our accounts receivables and co... Read more
Reader Question:
Encrypt Your Devices
Question: I've been reading a lot about encryption and hearing about it in the news. Do we... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Use This Code for No-Shows
Question: My office has had an uptick in no-show patients. One of my coders says that he c... Read more
Reader Question:
Note These Levels of Appeals
Question: I submitted a claim to my region's Medicare Administrative Contractor (MAC) for ... Read more
Medicare Basics:
Dive Deep into Medicare Mythology
Boost your Medicare fluency by understanding its various components. If your practice acc... Read more
Know Who Can Bill Medicare
Hint: Credentials matter. Check out these true or false questions to test your knowledge ... Read more
HR Corner:
Get Your New Hire Paperwork in Order
Write your offer letter to include these crucial components. Even if your practice avoids... Read more
Industry Note:
Patients' Desire for Antibiotics Driving Prescriptions
If your practice is overprescribing antibiotics, it's not alone. If any physician at your... Read more
Reader Question:
Seek New Code for Care That Falls Under This Umbrella
Question: There are multiple clinicians in my practice. Can the clinician who's overseeing... Read more
Reader Question:
Make the Case That Palliative Care Is Medically Necessary
Question: I keep getting palliative care claims rejected because the payer says the care d... Read more
Reader Question:
Count Family Medical History as PHI
Question: Does a patient's family medical history fall under information protected by the ... Read more
Available Years:  2020  2019  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  

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