Practice Management Alert

Get the Skinny on Incident-To Billing
Look to Medicare rules for a basic foundation. It's worth knowing how Medicare handles in... Read more
Don't Look to Federal Law if State Law More Stringent
Some states' rules on patient privacy exceed even HIPAA requirements. It may seem like th... Read more
Overpayment? It's Too Good To Be True
There's no such thing as a Medicare windfall, so send any overcompensation back pronto. O... Read more
Worried About Cybersecurity? Consider This New Tool
This new assessment tool can help you evaluate your risk. The Office of the ... Read more
Reader Question:
Don't Let Holiday Scheduling Put a Damper on Your Spirit
Question: Our six-clinician practice closes on major holidays, but we still have a rotatin... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to Prevention for Cold and Flu
Question:  I work at the front desk so I'm on the frontline of cold and flu season. W... Read more
Reader Question:
Holiday Décor May Be More Problematic Than Fun
Question:  I practice a different religion that most of my colleagues, and our office... Read more
Reader Question:
A Person's Drug Addiction May Qualify As Disability
Question:  Is a drug addiction ever considered a disability, and if so, would that me... Read more
Denials and Appeals:
Stop Procrastinating on Appeals With These Expert Tips
Attack that stack on your desk and watch the money come in. So many busy people have to-d... Read more
Denials and Appeals:
Further Hints for Filing Appeals
If you're still having trouble with appeals, look to these simple fixes. Be Timely in You... Read more
CPT® Update:
Use Consultation Coding to Brush Up on Basics
Don't succumb to errors because you're lost amidst the updates of different code sets and ... Read more
News You Can Use:
Look to Telemedicine for Opioid Abuse Treatment
Legislators and policymakers work to cut red tape for physicians treating substance abuse.... Read more
Reader Question:
Free Samples Don't Violate HIPAA
Question: Our dermatology office occasionally distributes free samples to patients. Our bi... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to PTO and Leave-Sharing in Natural Disasters
Question: We heard of practices closing for a week during Hurricane Florence. How should w... Read more
Reader Question:
CMS Cuts Red Tape For Large Healthcare Entities
Question: Will the recently announced burden reduction proposed rule affect independent pr... Read more
Incorporate These Policy Updates for MIPS and PI
Be prepared for these changes in interoperability requirements. Whether you're a technica... Read more
Healthcare Today:
Navigate Medical Marijuana With Eyes Wide Open
The relative leniency of some state laws clashes with federal regulations, and healthcare ... Read more
Office Management:
Adjust Policies Now for Flu Season
Putting informal or case-by-case policies in the employee handbook could minimize employee... Read more
Reader Question:
Update Social Media Practices to Be Seen Despite Algorithm Changes
Question: Social media sites and apps like Facebook seem to be constantly updating their a... Read more
Reader Question:
Prioritize Malpractice Coverage If Moving Between States
Question: I'm a clinician considering moving to a different state. What are the basics I n... Read more
Reader Question:
Upgrading? Send Off Your Old Device Off Style
Question: My office's clinician is upgrading to a new phone and has me wondering: What's t... Read more
Consider Sales Training To Boost Revenue
As medical care continues to trend more toward customer service, sales training can make a... Read more
Patient Care:
Use Check Ups To Check In With Patients
Your practice may hold the key to helping people who are victims to human trafficking. Yo... Read more
Denials and Appeals:
Make Lemonade Out of Denials With These Appeals Tips
Bringing in more revenue is important, but getting paid for services you've already perfor... Read more
Reader Question:
Intent Matters in Data Breach Penalties
Question: Are penalties for violating the Health Information Portability and Accountabilit... Read more
Reader Question:
Establish Policies and Protocols for Food Allergies
Question: I've noticed a lot more people seem to have food allergies. What do I, as a prac... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider These Questions When Formulating Risk Plan
Question: Our practice is trying to evaluate our practice's liabilities and risks but we'r... Read more
Technology Today:
Don't Be Tempted by Virtual Assistants
Hint: If your helper can't sign a BAA, you're risking HIPAA violations. Personal virtual ... Read more
Disaster Preparedness:
Don't Let a Hurricane Storm Your Practice
A comprehensive disaster plan could be the difference in your business surviving or going ... Read more
Clip and Save:
Keep These General Disaster Prep Tips in Mind
Don't fall prey to incomplete preparations — use these general tips to ensure a faster r... Read more
You Could Suspend Some HIPAA Privacy Provisions in Emergency
Don't count on a suspension, but know your leeway when these particular circumstances appl... Read more
Reader Question:
Meet Particular Circumstances for Leave Tax Credit
Question: What is “family and medical leave” for purposes of the paid family and medic... Read more
Reader Question:
Outsourcing CSP? HIPAA Still Applies
Question: Our company uses a small cloud services provider (CSP) based in Canada. Does the... Read more
Reader Question:
Check in on MIPS Status
Question: My practice is making the transition to Merit-Based Incentive Payment System ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use These Tips to Boost Patient Satisfaction
Question: One of the physicians in our office is great about medicine but kind of terrible... Read more
HR Corner:
Avoid Inadvertent Discrimination in Family Leave Policies
Hint: Craft separate policies for pregnancy leave versus parental leave. Companies in man... Read more
Know These Particulars on Business Associate Agreements
Cross your t's and dot your i's when working with business associates, especially CSPs. T... Read more
Clean Up Your Claims, Reduce Denials
Keeping on top of code updates can make a huge difference. If your practice is seeing mor... Read more
Reader Question:
Clinicians Can Provide Free Samples In Person
Question: Are clinicians required to seek prior authorization, per the Health Information ... Read more
Reader Question:
Yes, You May Be Able to Bill A Consultation
Question: We have a mom that came in for a consult about her eight-year-old daughter, but ... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider Overbooking Appointments To Compensate for No-Shows
Question: Our practice has stopped charging patients for no-shows and same-day cancellatio... Read more
Reader Question:
Take Meeting Prep Seriously
Question: Our staff meetings are unwieldy and absolutely dreaded by everyone. It's my turn... Read more
HR Corner:
Boost Employee Performance with These Tips
Asking your staff for feedback and really listening can make a huge difference in producti... Read more
Patient Care:
Reduce Patient Anxiety for Better Outcomes, Higher Satisfaction
Hint: Solutions can be as simple as a quick conversation. Even with the best clinicians, ... Read more
Stay Vigilant: Cybersecurity Failures Are Crushing Practices
Criminals are becoming more resourceful, and you may need to make adjustments. The HHS Of... Read more
Reader Question:
Use Continuing Education to Reduce PHI Breaches
Question: What can I do to make sure our practice stays current on best practices to avoid... Read more
Reader Question:
NPP Claims Sometimes Require Modifier
Question: My practice employs both physicians as well as nonphysician practitioners (NPPs)... Read more
Reader Question:
Dispose of PHI Properly or Risk Breach
Question: My practice is moving to a different location, and staff are purging old patient... Read more
Boost Your Web Presence
Uh oh: Your website might be the reason new patients aren't flocking your way. In 2018, i... Read more
Use SEO to Attract New Patients
A new website may not be enough: Learn how SEO can promote your visibility. Once your web... Read more
Medicare Compliance:
Prep Systems For This Crucial New Medicare Card Information
Warning: CMS wants everyone on board by January 2020. The Centers for Medicare and Medica... Read more
Clip and Save:
Know These Important Dates for MBI Cards
Keep these specifics in mind through the transition. April 2018 – April 2019: CMS mail ... Read more
Reader Question:
Use This Resource for Civil Rights Compliance
Question: Are there any resources available to ensure compliance with civil rights laws, a... Read more
Reader Question:
Instruct Patients to Dispose of Old Cards When New Cards Arrive
Question: What should I recommend if a Medicare beneficiary patient asks what to do with t... Read more
Reader Question:
New Health Data Initiative May Streamline
Question: What do I need to know about the MyHealthEData initiative recently announced by ... Read more
Beware: HIPAA Violations Live Past Business Expiration
Liquidating assets won't keep the feds off your tail once they've caught your scent. If y... Read more
HR Corner:
Consider Personality Tests to Smooth Team Communications
Hint: They're useful for hiring decisions, too. Personality tests can serve as a "legend"... Read more
Medicare Part B 2017 Deadline Looming
There's still time to submit before you miss out on a 4 percent bump. Due to overwhelming... Read more
Reader Question:
Focus on These Three Areas to Prevent HIPAA Breaches
Question: What are the basics I can do to prevent HIPAA breaches in my practice? South Ca... Read more
Reader Question:
Practitioners Can Follow Religious Convictions
Question: Can I abstain from treating a patient whose treatment wants or requirements are ... Read more
Reader Question:
Feds Eying Telemedicine for Rural Opioid Treatment
Question: Many people in my practice's rural town are struggling with opioid addiction. Th... Read more
Reader Question:
Stark Law May Face the Axe
Question: Rumors abound that the Stark Law will be subject to the Trump Administration's d... Read more
Reader Question:
Medical Rideshare May Not Be Easy Fix
Question: Will offering free rides to Medicaid beneficiaries help them make their appointm... Read more
Part B:
CMS Releases Important Updates on Telemedicine
Hint: Medicare says certain conditions must be met for reimbursement. Don't get too excit... Read more
CMS Provides Clarifications on Texting Physician Orders
The clarifications boil down to 'texting PHI is forbidden.' The Centers for Medicare and ... Read more
Claims and Denials:
Possible Simple Solution for Medicare Denial Surge
MACs are zeroing in on physician signatures. The Medicare Program Integrity Manual rule r... Read more
Opioid Scripts and Inappropriate Billing Catch Feds' Eyes
The list of healthcare fraud offenders prosecuted keeps growing. The U.S. Department of J... Read more
Reader Question:
Look to the Cloud for EHR Storage
Question: How can our practice take advantage of the ease and convenience of storing all h... Read more
Reader Question:
Consider an Official Copay Collection Policy
Question: I'm new at my job working at the front desk of a small, independent practice, an... Read more
Reader Question:
HIPAA Acknowledges Parent-Child Relationship
Question: Is it a violation of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)... Read more
Reader Question:
Collect Medicare Coinsurance at the Office
Question: Can we collect Medicare coinsurance payments before the patient leaves the offic... Read more
Reader Question:
Attention Billing: Don't Neglect an ADR
Question: I've been hearing a lot about CMS's Targeted Probe and Enforcement program since... Read more
What You Should Expect with MACRA 2018 QPP
CMS hints at more options for small practices and fewer headaches. As Part B clinicians r... Read more
Health and Technology:
CMS Issues New Coding Guidance on Telehealth
Telehealth expands with new code options. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services ... Read more
News You Can Use:
MPFS Updates You Need to Know
CMS issues new information on diabetes, as well as quality measures. Diabetes Program Now... Read more
Case Study:
HIPAA Adjustments Highlight Extent of Opioid Abuse
The feds' recognition emphasizes the need to respond to the national crisis of opioid addi... Read more
Reader Question:
Are Virtual Groups a Viable Option for Rural Providers?
Question: Our practice has only two providers, and we aren't getting much reimbursement fo... Read more
Reader Question:
Will Increased Information Sharing Impact PHI Standards?
Question: Will the new guidelines on HIPAA information sharing and opioid abuse affect the... Read more
Public Relations:
Keep on Top of Your Practice's Reputation
Find out what feedback patients may be offering beyond your practice's doors. Some physic... Read more
Public Relations:
Use These Tips for Social Media Reconnaissance
Find out what patients are saying about you on their own time. If you want to cultivate m... Read more
Remember Dangers of Mixing Social Media, Medicine
Don't risk losing your license; avoid these social media missteps. The Federation of Stat... Read more
Clip and Save:
Don't Fall Victim to Cybercriminal Activity
Your patients' protected health information - and your reputation - may be at risk. With ... Read more
New Approaches In Care:
Accommodate Needs of Elderly Patients Without Compromising Their Personhood
Find out how language can be the key to ensuring patient comfort. Your practice may provi... Read more
Reader Question:
Are Non-Compete and Non-Solicitation Agreements Necessary for Business Expansion?
Question: We are considering expanding our practice into multiple locations. Scaling up in... Read more
Reader Question:
Are Psychotherapy Notes Accessible to Patients?
Question: I'm the new practice manager for a psychotherapist's office. One of our clients ... Read more
Reader Question:
Does PHI Status Die with Patient?
Question: How long do I need to maintain a patient's private health information after that... Read more
Reader Question:
Filing a Medical Board Complaint for Drunk Physician
Question: I'm a practice manager, and I'm concerned that one of the physicians is coming t... Read more
Reader Question:
Can we Dismiss a Patient?
Question: We have a patient who regularly grabs nurses. It's a problem, and I want him gon... Read more
Available Years:  2018  2017  2016  2015  2014  2013  2012  2011  2010  2009  2008  2007  2006  2005  2004  2003  2002  2001  

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