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Practice Management Alert
Practice Management Alert
Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 12
Notify Secretary of Breaches to Stay HIPAA-Compliant
Experts: Be sure you show HHS how you’ve improved defense of sensitive info. Whe...
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FAQ: Submit Breach Media Notices on Time to Satisfy Secretary
Remember, definitions of ‘media outlets’ depend on your locale. Dealing w...
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Rely on Modifier 25 to Procure Separate E/M Payment
E/M-25 service must exceed E/M built into procedure code. If your physician performs a...
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You Be the Expert:
Choosing the Proper Physical Code
Question: We are starting to get appointment requests from patients reporting for p...
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Reader Questions:
Know What You Need Before Calling Locum Staffers
Question: We have a physician that is taking a six-month sabbatical soon, and we ne...
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Reader Question:
Be Mindful of Everyone on Holiday Décor, Parties
Question: We are a large practice with more than 30 employees. With the holidays co...
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Reader Question:
CMS Says ICD-10 Already Paying Off
Question: Since the ICD-10 implementation on October 1, we have been doing our best...
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Reader Question:
Test EHR Functionality Frequently Post-Implementation
Question: What should our practice do to prevent unintended consequences from elect...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 11
E/M Coding:
Use New/Revised E/M Codes for Prolonged Services
CPT® 2016 recognizes ‘team’ E/Ms, psychotherapy. There aren’t ma...
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Primary Care:
Now Hear This: Use New Code for 'Standard' Cerumen Removal
Lavage/irrigation get their own code in 2016. Physician practices that perform cerumen...
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Choose From Pair of Codes for 'Balance' Tests in 2016
Sinus implants also get a bump with a pair of ‘T’ codes. Physician practic...
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Clip and Save:
Use This Chart to Keep Track of New Surgical Codes
If your practice performs these surgeries, keep this chart handy. The CPT® 2016 ma...
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You Be the Expert:
Make OB Panel, Fetal MRI Part of Your 2016 Coding Repertoire
Question: We had an all-staff meeting at our OB-GYN office last week. Our director ...
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Reader Question:
Look for 2016 Changes to Cholangiography, Biliary Drainage
Question: I work at a small, rural general surgery practice. We have a coder on sta...
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Reader Question:
Use These New Category I Codes, Ditch Some Cardio 'T' Codes
Question: Our cardiology practice has been keeping a close eye on the American Medi...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 10
Start Second Phase of ICD-10 Training After Oct. 1
Coders, clinicians must come together to solidify office’s ICD-10 coding. For ma...
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Don't Worry, Be Happy about ICD-10?
Here’s one expert’s tips on reducing ICD-10 stress. With all the drama sur...
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CMS Releases FAQ to Explain 'Grace Period,' Cement Start Date
Be ready to use ICD-10 Oct. 1, or claims won’t fly. Amid the ocean of informatio...
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You Be the Expert:
Choosing the Correct CRPS Code
Question: What diagnosis code should we report for chronic regional pain syndrome (...
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Reader Question:
Get on Board with New Diabetes Dx Differences
Question: Our pediatric practice sees patients with both type I and type II diabete...
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Reader Question:
Exercise Caution with 'Other' ICD-10s
Question: If I find that a common ICD-9 code that I use doesn’t have a direct...
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Reader Question:
Remember Metastasis Code in Addition to Primary Tumor Dx
Question: During radiological assessment in a patient with prostate cancer, our phy...
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Reader Question:
Mind Dx on Short Interval Between Pregnancies Services
Question: Is there a diagnosis code to use for short interval between pregnancies? ...
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Reader Question:
Look to H61.2x For Cerumen ICD-10 Dx
Question: Which code will replace 380.4 (Impacted cerumen) under ICD-10? Wisconsi...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 9
Ferret Out Potential PHI Violations, Get Ahead of Notification Curve
Feds expect you to notify everyone affected by every HIPAA breach. When you’re f...
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Avoid 7-Figure HIPAA Violation Penalties
Worst-case scenarios could cripple your practice with federal fines. If you fail to pr...
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E/M Coding:
Keep Accurate ROS Count To Make Correct E/M Decision
Spot complete ROS and you might be able to code a high-level E/M. When you’re c...
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Clip 'n Save:
Form Your HIPAA Breach Notifications Around This Template
Avoid fines for lax notification, which start in five figures. If a Health Insurance P...
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You be the expert:
E/M Or Eye FBR?
Question: An established patient who was shooting off fireworks the previous day re...
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Reader Question:
Make Sure Your Documentation Is In Order On Modifier 52 Claims
Question: We recently submitted a claim for reduced services because the physician ...
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Reader Question:
Aetna Makes Several Software Recommendations Ahead of ICD-10
Question: We’ve gotten a lot of guidance on how Medicare wants us to prepare ...
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Reader Question:
Tailor Practice Manager Description To Your Practice's Needs
Question: I am an assistant at a small medical practice that has expanded to the po...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 8
Medicare Compliance:
Ensure Proper Payment With ABNs For Potentially Uncovered Services
ABN protocols can have residual effects on patient relations. As difficult as it might...
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Clip 'n Save:
Keep This Table Close To Aid ABN-Related Modifier Choice
Medicare also has modifiers for when you aren’t obligated to provide an ABN. Whe...
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E/M Coding:
Put Time On Your Side When Choosing Observation Codes
Codes differ for single-, multi-day stays. Coding for your physician’s observati...
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Take 8 Steps Toward Tripping Up Medical ID Thieves
Beneficiaries, practice employees are potential targets. A Medicare beneficiary can qu...
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What Would You Do?:
Choosing New vs. Established Patient Codes
Question: What is the difference between a new and established patient, for office ...
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Reader Question:
MACRA Puts Auto-Renew On Medicare Opt-Outs
Question: Our surgery practice has chosen to opt out of Medicare. I heard that there&rsq...
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Reader Question:
CMS Confirms ICD-10 Start... With Some Permissive Alterations
Question: Has there been any news on the ICD-10 implementation? We feel like we’re...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 7
NPP Billing:
Follow Incident-To Rules, Collect More Cash
If you aren’t using this billing technique, your practice may be losing 15 pe...
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Physician Billing:
Observe Locum Tenens Terms, Say 'Bon Voyage' to Claims Concerns
Remember: You can’t bill locum tenens for ‘extra help.’ Summer&rsquo...
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Payer Policies:
Knowing These Tricare Rules Is Half of the Billing Battle
Tip: Consider military insurer secondary in most cases. Odds are your practice will se...
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What Would You Do?Billing for 'Welcome to Medicare' Encounters
Question: I’ve recently taken on some coding/billing duties while our lead co...
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Reader Questions:
Consider 'Impairment Testing' In Place of Random Drug Screens
Question: Our practice has not performed any type of employee drug screening in th...
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Reader Questions:
Medicare Paves 'Road' to ICD-10 Readiness
Question: Our entire office is pitching in to prepare for the switch over to ICD-10 diag...
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Reader Questions:
Identify PMFSH to Aid E/M Level Choice
Question: I have a claim in front of me that is giving me pause because I ca...
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Reader Questions:
Check OIG's Mid-Year Update to Keep Compliant
Question: A fellow practice manager recently told me that the Office of Inspector G...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 6
Coding News You Can Use:
Stop Searching for X Modifier Clarification From CMS - For Now
CMS reps say you can stick with modifier 59 for the time being. When new coding direct...
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Bust 10 Compliance Myths to Keep Your Practice On the Up and Up
Don’t fall victim to these misconceptions that could cost your practice. As a pr...
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Clip and Save:
Ensure HIPAA Compliance with 7 EHR Development Questions
Don’t stop with security checks. With more and more practices moving to el...
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What Would You Do? Modifiers vs. ICD-10 Specificity
Question: I have heard the ICD-10 codes are expanded and more specific than ICD-9 c...
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Reader Questions:
Stick to Most Definitive ICD-10 Code
Question: Though there are many crosswalks between ICD-9 to ICD-10, there are many ...
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Reader Questions:
Step Up Your Multi-tasking Ability
Question: As a practice manager I have a lot of different tasks to juggle in a day....
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Reader Questions:
Consider Patient Satisfaction in New vs. Established
Question: If one of our family physicians referred a patient to one of our nurse pr...
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Reader Questions:
Stay Secure with Both 'Patches' and 'Updates'
Question: Are “patches” and “updates” to computer software ...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 5
News You Can Use:
Say Goodbye to SGR Patches
At press time, the President still needed to sign the bill in to law. Although A...
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Payer Pointers:
Clear Up 6 Common Coding Misconceptions With Advice Direct From NGS
Watch for errors with MDM, X{EPSU}, PQRS, and more. Still looking for modifiers X{EPSU...
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Office Security:
Protect PHI on Your Providers' Mobile Devices
Don’t stop with passwords. Smartphones, tablets, and laptops are commonplace in ...
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What Would You Do? :
Uncover Reasons for Employee Tardiness
Question: We have a member of the office staff who is late to work fairly often. Sh...
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Reader Questions:
Identify 'Request for Opinion' Before Choosing Consult
Question: A new patient came to see a neurologist in our practice to discuss whether she...
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Reader Questions:
Documentation is Key to Preventive + Problem-Oriented Coding
Question: Our internist recently saw a patient for his routine physical examination...
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Reader Questions:
Stick to Most Definitive ICD-10 Code
Question: Though there are many crosswalks between ICD-9 to ICD-10, there are many ...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 4
Stark Law Case Study:
Beware of Stark Pitfalls Affecting Your Professional Service Arrangements
Keep contracts clear and detailed to help avoid penalties. Working with other provider...
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Follow 5 Steps to Stay HIPAA Compliant in 2015
Don’t expect fewer audits this year. HIPAA continues to be at the top of e...
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Sign Up Now to Test Your Practice's ICD-10 Readiness
Determine which testing option is best for your providers. You don’t want to be ...
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What Would You Do?:
Check HIPAA Pitfalls Before Texting
Question: Some of our providers are interested in the cutting edge use of technology in ...
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Reader Question:
Focus on Payer Rules Governing 51 Use
Question: I have heard our coders saying that they don’t need to attach modifier 5...
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Reader Question:
Watch 'Other Qualified Healthcare Professional' Pitfall
Question: One of our psychologists in our practice is insisting on using E/M codes...
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Reader Question:
Different Specialties Can Justify Multiple E/Ms
Question: I work in a practice that has multiple specialties, including internal medicin...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 3
NPP Language:
Focus on Terminology to Navigate the NPP Maze
Take note of an NPP’s background to best take advantage of her skills. The first...
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Coding Corner:
Mix and Match 1995 and 1997 for E/M Leveling
Review a clinical scenario to drive the point home. Evaluation and management (E/M) co...
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Payer Focus:
Review Palmetto's Top 5 Most Common Denial Reasons So You Can Avoid Them
Use this list to see where your practice might fall short. There are countless reasons...
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Clean Up Your Duplicate Claims Before You Make the RAC Hit List
Knowing the reason for the denial is your key to successful appeals. Curious about whi...
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What Would You Do?:
Mitigate HIPAA Risk at the Front Desk
Question: I was at my own PCP office and when I went to stand at check in, there wa...
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Reader Question:
Protect Against Both Viruses and Malware
Question: Does our practice need to have both antivirus and antimalware software? W...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 2
Payer Relations:
Get the Lowdown on What to Look for During Successful Payer Contract Negotiations
Pay attention to eight key points in the fine print. While contracts don’t have ...
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Rejoice in Minimal CF Changes--For Now
Stay tuned for changes in April. For the first time in several years, your practice di...
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Ensure ACA Compliance with 7 Strategies Straight From the Experts
Start the process before CMS enforces the ACA requirements. You know you need a compli...
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Follow This Compliance Director's Advice
As you use Dr. Taitsman’s advice to create a compliance plan, keep the following q...
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What Would You Do?:
Patient Not Present -- To Bill or Not to Bill?
Question: There is some confusion in our pediatric practice on how to submit a clai...
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Reader Question:
Upfront Collection is a Per-Practice Decision
Question: Our practice is considering collecting deductibles upfront if a patient n...
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Reader Question:
Update Your Forms to Include Technology
Question: Should we develop some sort of consent form for patients to sign if they ...
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Reader Question:
Check V84.01 Coverage Before Screening MRI
Question: We have a Medicare patient that is BRCA2 positive. Our doctor wants to sc...
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Practice Management Alert - 2015; Volume 15, Number 1
Billing Primer:
Define 'New Medical Condition' For Proper Incident-To Billing
Remember that not all payers follow the same rules. While incident-to billing can boos...
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Physician Pointers:
Change Your Providers' Thinking on ICD-10
Overcome provider concerns with these six tips. If your physicians are focused on the ...
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Reimbursement Roundup:
Prep for Upcoming Global Period Changes
Drastic coding changes will put you on the auditor target list. If you were hoping tha...
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What Would You Do?:
Get to Know HIPAA Rules for Same-Sex Marriage
Question: I heard there was a recent ruling that affects how we view HIPAA for pati...
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Reader Question:
Combat Flu in Your Office
Question: This time of year we have several people in the office getting sick, espe...
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Reader Question:
Planning Ahead Means Solid Candidates
Question: I was just put in charge of recruiting and hiring two new office employee...
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Reader Question:
Clear Up Patient Medicare Confusion
Question: We have a patient asking why she has to pay anything when we accept assig...
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