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Practice Management Alert
Practice Management Alert
Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 12
Patient Protocol:
Step Up Your Benefits Verification for the New Year
Don’t leave eligibility checks to the last minute or you’ll face non-payment...
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News You Can Use:
Pay Attention to OIG's 2015 Hit List
Button up your place of service coding before you raise a red flag. If your practice d...
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Human Resources:
Follow These 11 Do's and Don'ts for Useful Performance Appraisals
Without actionable, focused feedback, employees can’t improve. Regardless of whe...
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What Would You Do? Same-Day, Same-Group E/M Services
Question: We are a large group with all the physicians billing under the same tax I...
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Reader Question:
Keep $147 Deductible for Part B Patients
Question: What will the 2015 Medicare deductible be? Washington Subscriber Answer:&n...
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Reader Question:
No CF Changes in Q1
Question: I usually hear news about a looming reimbursement cut for the next year a...
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Reader Question:
Learn the 'Unspecified' vs. 'Other Specified' ICD-10 Difference
Question: I have seen lots of great ICD-9 to ICD-10 crosswalks, but it seems like t...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 11
Office Policies:
Bust 3 Common Myths to Properly Provide Interpreter Services
Hint: Don’t pass the cost on to the patient. Your practice likely serves many ty...
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Human Resources:
Assess Billing and Coding Know-How Before Hiring With This Test
Start with these questions and alter the assessment to fit your practice. As the sayin...
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Glean 3 Key HIPAA Lessons from 2 HITECH Reports
Learn from the mistakes others made before your practice ends up in hot water. R...
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What Would You Do? :
Record Transfer Fees
Question: Our practice discharged a patient due to non-payment, and one week later ...
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Reader Question:
Employ 24 for Hospital Visits in the Global
Question: If my doctor performs a surgery with a 90-day global, and he has subseque...
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Reader Question:
Decide Which Certification Your Practice Wants
Question: Our practice wants to hire only certified coders to ensure we are getting...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 10
CPT® 2015:
Evaluation & Management: Focus Your E/M Updates on CCM, Neonate Changes
Pay attention to revisions and deletions along with new codes. If your physicians perf...
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CPT® 2015:
General Surgery: Scour the 70+ General Surgery Changes Coming Next Year
Watch for code changes to colonoscopy, wound therapy, endoscopy, and more. If you are ...
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CPT® 2015:
Cardiology: Comb Through the Numerous Changes CPT® Will Throw at Cardiology Practices
You’ll see some codes change from temporary to permanent. Every year, CPT&...
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'X' May Soon Mark the Spot for Successful Same-Day Procedure Claims
Caution: Modifier 59 won’t be your CCI catch-all. When you hear “Correct C...
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CPT® 2015:
Neurosurgery & Pain Management: Pay Attention to Vertebroplasty, Kyphoplasty Code Changes That Could Cause Denials
Stop reporting imaging guidance separately. You’ll be reporting kyphoplasty and ...
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News You Can Use:
Get the Scoop on Global Periods Coming Your Way in 2017
If CMS gets its way, you may get paid less for surgical procedures. Whether your physi...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 9
Chart Auditing:
Boost Your Confidence with Chart Sampling
Which of the three sampling methods will work best for your practice? You know that pe...
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Clinic Billing Spotlight:
Learn the Ins and Outs of the CMS-855-B Form to Perfect Your Group Enrollment
Knowing which form applies to your clinic or group is the first step of the process. I...
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News You Can Use:
Your Post-Surgical Follow-up Encounters May Face a Coding Overhaul
All procedures may soon carry zero-day globals. If you a tired of having to check whet...
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What Would You Do?:
Patient Prevents Timely Filing
Question: We have a timely filing concern. Our physician saw a patient who didn&rsq...
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Reader Question:
Beware ABN Overuse
Question: I recently started working at a practice that I think overuses ABNs. Can ...
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Reader Question:
Determine POS Before Checking RVUs
Question: Using the RVUs provided for a particular code, how do I arrive at the app...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 8
Coding Corner:
Solidify Your Preventive + Problem-Oriented Coding Knowledge
Tip: You’ll need a modifier to explain the clinical scenario. If your providers ...
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Patient Relations:
Ease Patient Frustrations Over Surprise Preventive Turned Problem-Oriented Co-Pays
Addressing a problem means you may have to charge when patient didn’t expect to pa...
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Staff Health:
Keep Your Employees Healthy As Flu Season Approaches
Start incorporating best practices now before germ-laden patients flood in. While kids...
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What Would You Do? Payer Mix Can Vary By Location
Question: Our practice is going to be moving a few towns over, which means we will ...
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Reader Question:
Capture Record Review in MDM Calculation
Question: A patient had her past medical records, containing more than 10 years of ...
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Reader Question:
Help Employees Avoid Email Faux Pas
Question: We have several remote coders that work for our outpatient clinic. Becaus...
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Reader Question:
Remember GC for Teaching Physician Coding
Question: When a resident assists a surgeon in a teaching hospital, do we need to a...
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Reader Question:
99000 Isn't Your Only In-Office UA Code
Question: If we do a urinalysis (UA) dipstick test in the office lab and find an abnorma...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 7
Weigh the Pros and Cons of Having a Social Media Presence
Setting clear expectations is crucial. Social networking is a huge part of today&rsquo...
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Assess Your BAA Terminology to Lessen Liability
September holds a key deadline. Last month, in “Let This Example Show You What N...
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News You Can Use:
Proposed CMS Rule May Ease Your Stage 1 and 2 MU Deadline Stress
Analyze your three compliance options carefully. If your practice is anticipating a st...
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Clip and Save:
Focus on 10 Key Points to Perfect Your MU Attestation
Leave your practice enough time to prepare. Like many practices, you may have im...
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What Would You Do? Get to the Bottom of Record Release Refusal
Question: We’re treating a new patient and need to obtain the patient’s...
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Reader Question:
Watch for Payer Differences With Claim Forms
Question: I need some help concerning the rules for billing on the new CMS-1500 for...
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Reader Question:
Use Caution With Write Offs
Question: At what point can we write off a patient balance as bad debt? Are there ...
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Reader Question:
Learn COB Rules For Correct Reimbursement
Question: What is the best way to ensure proper billing when a patient is covered b...
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Reader Question:
Base POS Choice on RVU Assessment
Question: One of the ASCs we bill for has a “suite” the providers use ...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 6
HIPAA Case Study:
Let This Example Show You What Not to Do With Your BAs
Warning: You can be responsible for your BA’s violations. Your practice has a so...
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Office Guidelines:
Keep Track of Where Your Doctors Are When Your Ancillary Staff Performs Services
Otherwise, you could be violating supervision requirements. Like many practices,...
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Human Resources:
Identifying 6 Signs Will Help Combat Dissatisfied Employee Problems
Don’t wait for the employee to quit before stepping in. During these challenging...
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What Would You Do?:
Flu Vaccine + E/M Code?
Question: I have been reporting flu vaccine with E/M visits and other in-office pro...
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Reader Question:
CMS, IPPS State 2015 Will Be the Year for ICD-10
Question: Has there been a new ICD-10 implementation date released yet? North Car...
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Reader Question:
Tackle UB-04 vs. CMS-1500 Dilemma
Question: I used to bill for a facility and am new to the role of practice manager ...
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Reader Question:
Ease Employees in to Software Transitions
Question: We read your article about the security issues with Microsoft Windows XP ...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 5
News You Can Use:
You'll Have At Least 1 More Year to Finalize Your ICD-10 Plans
Don’t miss the conversion factor freeze details, too. Hidden in the contex...
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Test Your ICD-10 Readiness
In the last issue of Practice Management Alert, you found a five-question quiz for your ...
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Don't Let Diabetes Mellitus Changes Complicate Your Coding
You’ll have two parent codes to start with, rather than just one. When your phys...
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Focus on the Type of ADHD/ADD to Determine Dx Code
Combined type can now be separately reported from predominantly hyperactive types. You...
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Brush Up on Your Terminology to Help Your Chest Pain Coding
Following inclusion notes will keep your coding on track. If your providers are in the...
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Expand Your Acute Bronchitis Arsenal, Tenfold
Pointer: An unspecified code is okay sometimes. If your providers treat patients with ...
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What Would You Do?
Get a Grip on NEC and NOS Difference Question: was looking at the ICD-10-CM manua...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 4
Watch Out for Top Risk Areas When Adding NPPs
Incorrect incident-to billing isn’t the only pitfall of which to beware. Employi...
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Clip and Save:
Incident-to Audit Checklist
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Adopt 7 Documentation Best Practices for Compliant and Complete Records
While the provider captures notes just once, they may be reviewed countless times. Whe...
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ICD-10 Prep Quiz:
Find Out If Your Practice is Ready for ICD-10 Coding With These 5 Questions
Discover where you should focus your training in the next few months. The conver...
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What Would You Do?:
What Constitutes 'Conflict of Interest'?
Question: My practice is involved in a variety of business ventures. I am working w...
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Reader Question:
No Master's Degree Means NP PECOS Trouble
Question: I have heard that nurse practitioners must now have master’s degre...
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Reader Question:
Assess Risk on a Regular Basis
Question: We are having a bit of a debate in our practice. Some of us think that pe...
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Reader Question:
Avoid Billing Script Refill Alone
Question: Can we bill when the physician is only writing a prescription? We want to...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 3
Technology Tactics:
Protect Your Practice By Keeping Up with Computer Security Updates
When companies stop sending security patches, is it time to upgrade? When someone ment...
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ICD-10 Prep:
Don't Limit Your ICD-10 Focus to Coding
NGS answers practice questions about how to be ready come Oct. 1. For years the threat...
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Clip and Save:
Check Your Practice's Security Compliance With This Handy Checklist
Assess the level of risk to determine how quickly you need to address the problem. You...
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Clip and Save:
Identify 10 Signs You May Have A Security Issue
Circulate this list of red flags to watch for. In the article “Protect Your Prac...
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What Would You Do?
Review Tests Before Deciding on CLIA-Waived Status Question: As part of our practice a...
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Reader Question:
Hone Your Interviewing Skills
Question: I am a relatively new practice manager. While I am well versed in the hea...
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Reader Question:
Incomplete Claims Equal Denials
Question: Our practice has a few claims that have missing or incorrect information. I&rs...
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Reader Question:
Slow Patient Won't Justify Timely Filing Exception
Question: Our patient gave us her Medicare card but said Medicare was her secondary...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 2
Reimbursement Roundup:
Start the New Year Off With Better Pay Than Expected
But prepare for possible reimbursement drops in April. You can breathe a sigh of relie...
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4 Steps Help Your Practice Work Through PHI Breach Assessments
Forget the ‘harm threshold’ and focus on ‘risk of compromise.’ ...
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CPT® 2014:
Don't Miss Last-Minute CPT® Changes That May Affect Your Coding
Check intro for ‘other qualified health care professional’ clarification. ...
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What Would You Do? Clear Up Copay Confusion
Question: Our surgeon routinely has patients come to the office one week after surgery, ...
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Clip and Save:
Follow the Path to Breach Notification Decision Making
You may not need to notify HHS. How can you know for sure when you need to make a brea...
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Reader Question:
Prepare Employees For Change With 6 Strategies
Question:Our practice will be going through a lot of change in the next few months due t...
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Reader Question:
Get the Scoop on ASC Allowed Procedures
Question: I might be transferring to manage our hospital’s ASC location and want t...
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Reader Question:
POS Determines Supply Reimbursement
Question:My doctors are concerned that our practice is losing money on supplies, such as...
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Reader Question:
Ask for Patient Insurance Card
Question: A patient came to our office. The physician performed an exam and administered...
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Reader Question:
Give Address Details for Home Visits
Question: If you are billing home visits (99341-99350) the place of service is 12. My qu...
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Reader Question:
Be Ready to Prove Your Case with Modifier 82
Question: Is there a difference in the reimbursement of procedures for modifiers 80 (Ass...
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Practice Management Alert - 2014; Volume 14, Number 1
Focus on 5 Areas for Improvement in Your Provider Documentation
While EMRs improve legibility, they may lead to other issues. When your practice faces...
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Coding Corner:
Shore Up Your Flu Shot Coding By Focusing on Strain and Administration
Makes sure you pay attention to the patient’s age as well. Tis the season &mdash...
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What Would You Do?:
Watch For Coding Trends
Question: We recently finished our first internal audit and found a potential issue: One...
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Expect a Big Dip in Medicare Reimbursement If Congress Doesn't Step In Again
Good news: Providers who treat chronic conditions may find a silver lining. You’...
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Reader Question:
Focus on Compromise with Feuding Employees
Question: We have two employees who work the front desk, checking in patients, collectin...
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Reader Question:
Use V Codes to Prove Medical Necessity
Question: Our ED recently treated two patients who sustained injuries when their car vee...
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